0.15 ≫ We met

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"Huh." Scarlett made a clicking sound with her tongue as she turned to the two boys. "Hello. I'm Scarlett." She smiled as she lent her hand to Sebastian who fumbled a bit.

"Uh I-I'm Sebastian." He responded nervously. She studied him for second, she took in the way the man in front of her looked before turning to Chris. She wore a light smirk when she saw him relax after recovering from her gaze. She had that effect on boys.

"Chrissy." She smiled as she greeted her friend.

"Dang it Scarls." He scorned playfully referring to the nickname.


Chris had left the two alone, but before he did he sent Sebastian a look that said 'good luck.' Knowing Sebastian was seriously nervous, he also knew that he had a small crush on the blonde.

"Chris has told me about you," she broke the silence. He silently cursed to himself hoping it wasn't something embarrassing.

"Chris told me about how much of a player you were," she started, Scarlett turned around to stand right in front of him. "He told me to watch out for you, 'Sebastian is a real lady's man but he can't keep one.' She continued while stepping closer to him causing his face to flush pink, his heart began beating rapidly at the closeness between the two. He didn't know why he wasn't defending himself, he was in no way a player.

"But that isn't true right?" She asked while stepping closer, as if it was even possible. "You seem too sweet and awkward to be a player, no, your eyes are to kind for that right?"

"I-I what?" He was slowly processing what was happening while trying to act cool around her. He was surprised when he heard her giggle adorably before stepping away from him.

"Wowee um, Chris was right about you. You're such a dork aren't you?" She replied.

Sebastian sighed loudly before running his hand through his hair in annoyance.

"He told you didn't he?" He asked referring to the amount of times he'd watch her movies.

"He mentioned it once or twice." She smiled.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to make you feel awkward or anything." He replied sincerely.

"No no, it's fine. I-I think it's cute." She smiled.

Sebastian smiled thankfully, he was sure to kill Chris later for this but at the moment all he could think about was her and how he was so hopelessly falling for her.


ALONE TOGETHER ⇒ Sebastian Stan 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora