"Hopefully the only fighting we'll do is practice," Steve said as he shook Thor's huge hand. "I appreciate this, thank you, Thor."

"Tis my pleasure. Now," he clapped his hands and turned to the room, "shall we delve into the mead?"

Tony started to pour everyone, except for Bruce, a small drink, and Thor a pint. "Why am I the only one who has to share their special gift?"

Bruce raised his hand, "I plan on sharing mine, thank you very much."

Tony waved him off. "Yeah, whatever. You use your gift for the greater good while I have to share my gift with a bunch of moochers. Isn't it a gift in itself that I don't make you pay rent? I should remind you how great the location is and how much rent cost on average. Let that sink in," he grumbled.

"So Thor," Natasha started, "what exactly are we about to drink?"

"Asgardian mead," he answered. "I believe it's the equivalent to five of your beers." He turned to Steve, "I was hoping you may be able to feel the effects."

Steve held up his glass and sipped it cautiously, "We'll see."

An hour later, the rest of the group are exchanging embarrassing stories about their pasts (or each other's past) when Steve finally finishes his first glass. "I'm standing there with a poodle dressed as a clown in my arms in front of this big CEO, right? He's confused, the dog is freaking out, and Pepper is screaming at me down the phone, and I'm just standing there trying to have a normal, business conversation with the man," Tony laughs, leaning forward. "And then, the dog jumps out of my arm and onto the CEO. As he's freaking out, I'm trying to wrangle the dog and the damned thing takes a piss right on his shirt!" The room erupted in drunken laughter, hands groping shoulders and hitting sofa cushions. Steve chuckled along with them, shaking his head as he stood to get another drink. Except, he must have underestimated himself.

In all his years as Captain America (which, given his circumstances isn't a lot), Steve has only ever fallen when he's tripped over some root in the middle of a forest when he was sprinting through. In fact, he takes pride on how coordinated and graceful his movements have become since the serum.

And yet, Steve finds himself tripping over his feet on the way to the bar that's only fifteen feet away from his seat. Fifteen feet. Fifteen.

The laughter behind him increases, but Steve isn't paying his friends any attention. Instead, he's focused on the familiar warm, bubbly feeling the Asgardian mead had sent through his body.

Holy shit.

"I'm drunk," he announced, turning to his friends with wide eyes. He shook his head again, "No, I'm tipsy. Almost drunk," he corrected.

"Congrats?" Clint laughed. "Do you want a cookie for this amazing achievement you've earned, Cap?"

Steve rolled his eyes and grabbed the bottle, refilling his glass. He carefully made his way back to his seat, ignoring the laughter from his friends.

"I'm bored. We should play a game," Tony announced with a smirk.

"We're not middle schoolers at our first boy-girl party, Stark," Clint started as he tipped his beer bottle back. "That being said, I'm down."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "What game?"

Tony looked at Steve, eyes practically twinkling with mischief. "Never Have I Ever."

"What's that?" Steve asked, maintaining eye contact with Tony.

"It's a drinking game. Someone says something they've never done and if you did it, you drink," Bruce explained.

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