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Dear Black Girl, 

Growing up you were told "cover up there's men in the house" when you're wearing shorts in 100 degree weather.

"you bet not be out here being fast" when you were simply going out with friends.

"why are you listening to that white shit" when you are listening to anything besides hip hop, rap, or RnB.

"you're not black enough"or my personal favorite "you're white washed" when you like anything that's not considered black. "you're not like most black girls" when you aren't quote unquote ghetto what ever that means.

Dear Black Girl

As go into your teen years you don't smile as much. Your laugh seems forced and your "bad attitude" is easier to show.

You get cussed out for not smiling when you come home from school. Getting called an ungrateful bastard. Then one late night you're in your room in the dark crying.

Contemplating about continuing your life or ending it at that moment. When you finally decide, you hear that voice in the back of your head that's that white people shit. Black folks don't do that crazy shit. You put down that bottle of pain killers and lay back in your bed crying yourself to sleep.

Dear Black Girl

You hold that pain in until one day you get the courage to tell someone. The reaction you got was far from what you expected. You expected help but all you received was criticism and a fucking bible.

Pray it away. Stop being dramatic. You have nothing to be sad about. You walk around with your head down in shame for being so dumb. For being hopeful.

Dear Black Girl

There's something I forgot to tell you Black Girl. I didn't tell you that it's okay to be different.

I didn't tell you that it's gets better. I didn't tell you that you will find someone that'll love you for you.

I didn't tell you that your voice matter. I didn't tell you, my sensitive Black Girl that no matter what your feelings matter.

I also didn't tell you that it's okay to hurt. It's okay not to be strong all the time.

Finally my unique Black Girl I didn't tell you that you're beautiful inside and out.

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