Chapter One

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Chapter One

It's dark out, as I watch Sophia rush quickly through the park. she's scared. I usually love it when their scared, but not tonight. I can smell her warm sweet blood, and I imagine the taste of it in my mouth. My legs drag me forwards. NO! I mustn't, she is for Master. She begins to shout my name and I can hear the strain in her voice. "Sam! Sam! where are you?" I step under the street light; when she sees me she quickens her pace. Finally reaching me, Sophia looks up at my face, and I watch as relief turns to doubt and her smooth features stiffen. She takes a hesitant step back. Sophia's doubt runs through my mind. My eyes carefully caress over her body. She is beautiful, with her big green eyes and long brown hair. This girl, she definitely is pleasant and her clothes are showing off the outlines of her perfect figure, and if I were to portray my Master, I could take her back and she could be one of us. My younger brother would lover her. Why is this so difficult? She is just a human. No human has ever gotten to me before. But looking at her now, I no longer have the strength and I try in vain to ignore the retching feeling in my stomach. If I take her back with me, I portray Masters trust. But if I take her to Master, I portray her trust. Why is her trust so important to me? maybe because she's the only one who has ever understood me. She's kind and sweet and she's a friend, a friend i want forever, and her trust is worth way more than any beast who claims to be my Master. She has tears in her eyes now; they are streaming down her soft red cheeks. I reach my hand out to wipe them away, it hurts that she's upset. Upset because I'm a monster, a scary monster with pitch black eyes and snow white skin. The stone like features of my face appear as a mask, covering up all emotion making me a predator. How many humans look at me and just see me. None. Because they aren't meant to, they are meant to see the tall, dangerous monster. Not the sincere, unhappy part of me that aches for understanding. Yet at first she had shown me that. The understanding was so clear in her eyes, but then the clouds came and blocked all signs of sincerity. And I'm alone again. Sophia takes another step back, ignoring my raised hand. she is trembling all over, shaking her head fiercely trying to wake up from this nightmare. But she is awake, and there is no going back. I try again to reach out to her, but she is still stumbling backwards. As if she could run from me, the monster. I can't let her go, because even if I could she would be unsafe. Someone else would come for her. Another monster, another selfish creature that would scare her again and hurt her like I have. For the first time in my eternal life, I am unsure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2010 ⏰

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