She sighed. "I miss you." She whispered in the air, hoping for the wind to take it to the person she's referring to.

She isn't really sleepy that much so she got up and went to the kitchen, grabbing an ice cream from the fridge and plopping on the couch, switching on the telly.

"Seriously?" She huffed when she was met with a news about her.

Her heart started beating in an abnormal pace when another name popped up on the screen.

"Breaking News: Jade Thirlwall's hidden relationship with Perrie Edwards?

Jade Thirlwall, a famous British singer under Sam Davies' (I don't know what name will I put 😂) management was rumored of alleged relationship with the Arsenal Player Perrie Edwards. The source said the two had broken up three years ago and never had decided to go on public whilst still dating.

Meanwhile Edwards seemed to have moved on already as she was seen getting loved up and cozy with another famous singer, Camila Cabello. The two were seen in Miami last October 28, spending their breaks together..."

"Blah blah blah. Curse you." Jade mumbled, rolling her eyes and turning off the telly.

She gripped the remote control tightly in her hand, tears were unknowingly spilling out from her eyes.

"It's been three years." She choked out. She got up and went upstairs, the ice cream was left forgotten, and straight to her bed. She plopped her body on it and started screaming on her pillow.

She was still hurt. She needed Perrie to cure the pain.

She rolled onto her back and her gaze landed on the picture frame placed on the bedside table. She took it and traced patterns on the glassed photo. It was a picture of her and Perrie on her birthday. Perrie's arm was wrapped around her waist while kissing her cheek, on the other hand, Jade was touching Perrie's cheek with one hand whilst the other was holding on the table for leverage as she leans down to blow her candle.

"I miss you, you dork."

She kissed the picture of Perrie and clutched the frame in her chest, not caring about sleeping in that position.


"Jade I'll be coming to get you in five, make sure to be ready. I don't want us to be late in that dinner meeting, that would be unprofessional." Sam said through the phone and the line disconnected after she had said 'okay'.

She examined her reflection into the mirror. She went on a nice but casual white and black dress that went just above her knee, her make up was light, straightened her brown curls and sprayed on some perfume. She took her pair of pumps and put it on. With one last wink on the mirror, she grabbed her purse and went out to be met with Sam, leaning on her car. She was thankful for Sam who got her the flat inside a private place as paps were invading too much of her privacy. One time she got mobbed by a lot of paps from her old flat.

"Ready?" Sam asked. Jade nodded and got in the car.


"We're here!" Sam announced getting off the car. Jade did too and went by the woman's side.

"Are they here already?" Jade asked which Sam answered with a nod.

They went inside and was greeted by a crew who led them into the private lounge. Jade's eyes went wide as plates upon seeing who the people were. Camila Cabello and Perrie Edwards.

Sam was still talking to the crew and Jade was left looking at the two who were oblivious of their presence.

"Babe, don't you think it's too formal to wear this suit? I could have just gone into a casual one."

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