Part 1

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"Khushi you, YOU of all the people are saying this?"

"HAVE YOU LOST IT FINALLY?" Shouted Arnav at the top of his voice.

Arnav grabbed Khushi by her arms with his hands in a death grip. He was shaking the life out of her while his anger on Khushi was reaching unimaginable heights. He could bear anything but not this. Not from her. No. Never.

"Do you know what you are saying? Do you KNOW whom you are talking about?"

"TELL ME. Why the hell are you quiet now?"

"Arnavji but..."

"Don't Arnavji me Khushi. I am warning you. How could you? How could you even think like this after knowing what an evil man he is? How can you?"

Khushi hissed in pain as with the passing seconds Arnav's hold on Khushi kept on tightening. But this one time Arnav didn't care. He didn't listen to Khushi crying out in pain. He was hurt. Hurt by none other than his Khushi. She has hurt him like never before. He felt betrayed.

" How can Khushi trust Him again? How can she believe that he can ever change? HOW?" were the only thoughts in his mind.

"Did you forget what he did to you, to us, to Di?"

"No Arnavji. I haven't and I can never forget. But just once, just for one time think about Di."

"I AM thinking about her. She is MY sister. I know what is good for her. She is not in her right mind but I AM. And I will not let that scoundrel enter into her life again."

"But she needs him and..."

"She DOESN'T need him. I am with her, her whole family is with her." With that Arnav left Khushi's arms with a jerk and turned his face to the other side. Taking a deep breath he continued.

"Look Khushi, she is MY sister. I know her better than you do. I know all her needs. keep out of this." Arnav uttered with barely controlled anger. Khushi's persistence was making him lose his patience very quickly.


"ENOUGH. Enough Khushi. YOU have done enough damage to HER life. Not anymore. I will not let your stupid decisions ruin her life once again."

"Arnavji?" came out a whisper from Khushi's mouth without her noticing it. She was left speechless. Arnav has managed to leave her stunned to silence. Too weak to say anything, too hurt hear anything. The implications of Arnav's words were loud and clear. He still blamed her for Anjali's condition. He has meant each word he said that night by the poolside when he learnt that Anjali tried to kill her baby because Khushi went to meet her. The realization of the fact that somewhere deep down Arnav believed it was Khushi for whom Anjali is suffering was a blow hard enough to burst her bubble. A bubble in which she was living believing that whatever Arnav said that night was a result of his anger and nothing else. But by repeating those words again he has proved that he had meant what he said then, and he means what he said now. She didn't know when all her senses went numb. She was standing with her face gone pale, not seeing, not hearing.

Blinded with fierce anger Arnav didn't notice the impact of his words on Khushi. He was too busy thinking about ways to keep Khushi away from his Di's matters.

"Khushi is too naïve and too trusting. She can be easily manipulated and that's what she has been after seeing the crocodile tears of that vile man at the hospital. That Shyam cannot be a part of his Di's life. He can't risk both his Di's and Khushi's life by bringing Shyam back in this house. He has to protect both the women in his life. He will not trust Shyam again like he did six month back and forced Khushi to marry him. Di will understand. She always has. It will take time but she will come out of her depression. She doesn't need to be with that bastard to be happy. She has him to fulfill all her wishes. He just needs to keep Khushi away from interfering in this matter. She thinks from her heart and her decisions will only land them in greater danger" thought Arnav and justified his decision to himself.

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