"Merlin, I sound like your mother!"

Start from the beginning

"Charlie is more like Percy," Quinn spoke quickly before clasping her hand back over her mouth desperate not to let her first conversation with Harry be full of her laughing at things he said.

"He is not!" The twins cried in unison, something that had always creeped Quinn out.

"You two did not spend 7 years in his classes at Hogwarts." Quinn stated as she looked over at Bill who looked just as confused as the others at her statement. "He is such a spoil sport. I even tried to talk once and he would go on a 5-minute rant about how if we had a conversation we would fail and end up in muggle jobs."

"One time!" Charlie exclaimed from behind Quinn, who turned around with an overexaggerated smile on her face, her teeth flashing at him. "Can I also point out that this was in Potions with Snape. Not only was I a Gryffindor and Quinn a Slytherin but Snape was like an older brother to Quinn until she was 9. I did something wrong and I got a detention, she did and it was just 'Quinn I am warning you'."

"Oh come off it, it was the same in Care for Magical Creatures, only you were the favourite."

"That's because you were always getting burnt by something or other." Charlie stated causing Quinn to wait a moment before nodding at him. Glancing over Bill and Quinn, Charlie's face turned confused. "Why are you and Bill wet?"

"She poured a washing up bowl of water over me."

"Then why is Quinn soaked?"

"That is an excellent question Charlie," George stated with a smirk on his face and a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Why don't you answer it Quinn," Fred finished causing Quinn to hit him on the arm, a scowl on her face. This however only increased Charlie's intrigue in that matter due to the limited number of things that could turn his older brother red, and at that moment his face was competing with his face on which could be brighter and his face was winning.

Before anyone could say anything else, there was a faint popping noise and Arthur appeared out of no-where. Turning to the twins, he looked angrier than any of the people in the kitchen had seen him in the time they had known him.

"That wasn't funny Fred!" Arthur stated and for a second the shortest twin looked confused about what his father was meaning. What had gone on in the kitchen had claimed the most prominent spot in his mind, but as his father's face grew angrier Fred remembered what he had done at the Dursley home. "What did you give that Muggle Boy!"

"I didn't give him anything," Fred smirked looking at his father with a matter of a fact look that only made his face worse. "I only dropped it, he ate it himself. I didn't force him."

"You dropped it on purpose!" Arthur cried causing Bill, Quinn and Charlie to look at each other, each of their faces paler than any other. It was always Molly who yelled, Molly who disciplined. Arthur was always the one who stood there and watched, a sliver of pride in his eyes. Quinn could remember many times she had gone to the Weasley home the summer after hexing the Slytherin bullies and being scorned by Molly while Arthur just nodded at her.

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked enthusiastically causing Arthurs attention to turn to him, still not amused.

"It was about four-foot-long before his parents let me do anything about it!" The entire room burst with laughter, the oldest 3 hiding it behind coughs that didn't fool Arthur who for the first time turned to them looking disappointed. "It isn't funny! That kind of behaviour goes against everything I stand for! My own sons-"

"But we didn't give it to him because he was a muggle," Fred stated shaking his head at his father causing Quinn to put her head in her hand, they were never going to stop digging a bigger hole for themselves.

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