Part 2

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<Whizzer's POV>

I sit down in the back of my AP English class. This is the only class I enjoy besides P.E., I actually love literature and Shakespeare.

I stare as my crush walks into the class. No one knows that I have a crush on this person, and if they did I would be murdered for doing so. His name is Marvin. He's adorable and nerdy and I love him. I've been crushing on him ever since fifth grade when he first moved here. My friends would kill me though if they knew how I feel. While the school thinks I haven't dated someone before is because I'm playing the whole "hard to get" game, it's actually because the only person I want to date is Marvin, but rumors have it that he impregnated the shyest girl at our school Trina.

Our teacher Mrs. Murphy walks to the front of the room so we know class is beginning "Okay class today we have exciting things happening. First I will be announcing who will be who in our production of Romeo and Juliet and then we will be having new seats based on the cast list, okay?" Everyone nods. I nod enthusiastically, this is my favorite Shakespeare play. My friends dared me to audition for Juliet, so I did. I actually did way better than I imagined.

She starts going down all the kids's names in alphabetical order for what role they have. Everyone laughed when I actually got cast as Juliet. She hands me the script "congrats Whizzer, you're making our class seem like the plays the Bard put on himself with men playing girl roles" I laugh and sit down at the seat I was assigned.

"Looks like we're going to be lovers" I look up and there's Marvin. He is holding a script that says Marvin Feldman: Romeo.  He sits down next to me, and thanks to these tiny desks very tightly packed next to the other desks, our thighs are squished up next to each other. If it was anyone else sitting next to me I wouldn't even notice being this close, but it's Marvin, my crush, and all I want to do is squeeze Marvin's thigh and kiss him. But I can't. He has a girlfriend and they're expecting a child.

The teacher told us to start reading through the script, but I can't concentrate. Marvin rested his arm on my desk, and I'm not sure if it would be weird if I also rested my arm on my desk. I decide to do so. So much touching, this is the best day of my life. When our arms touch, something strange happens. Marvin's fingers start moving. They reach mine and they lace through my fingers. So he wants to hold hands. I look around the room to see if anyone is looking at us. No one is. So I squeeze his hand. He looks at me. I smile. He smiles back. We both look down at our hands. Who knows what the heck is happening, but I love it.

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