Seconds, That's All the Time it Takes

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"You are my sunshine, my merry sunshine. You make the flowers bloom in spring." Tessa hit the snooze button on her alarm clock. Ever since her dad told her that her mom loved that song, Tessa had to set it as the first thing she heard in the morning.
"UH," Tessa complained. She hated waking up in the morning, and often didn't even bother waking up. She rolled over, looked at her phone, and realized that it was August 16th, the first day of school. "Oh, crap!" she exclaimed, shutting her alarm clock off and jumping out of bed. Without caring too much, Tessa grabbed a dark green shirt with blue jeans and threw them on.
She then ran down the stairs, went into the bathroom, and started brushing her teeth. Wait! she thought, I forgot to eat breakfast. Shout! She spat out her toothpaste, went out to the kitchen, and rummaged through the fridge, then the lazy Susan. Nothing, Tessa thought, there's absolutely nothing anywhere in this entire house. So, Tessa went back into the bathroom and finished flossing her teeth. She then ran into her dad's room and shook him gently.
"Daddy," she said. "Daddy, wake up, you have to take me to school. Dad."
"What?" her dad asked, confused about what was happening.
"It's the first day of school, remember, you gotta drive me to school," she replied.
"Oh! Oh, yeah!" he remembered. He jumped out of bed, threw on a sweatshirt to cover his bed shirt, and brought Tessa out to his car. "Are you excited?" he asked her.
"I don't know, it's kinda scary," Tessa confessed. "Without really close friends, I don't think I'm going to be able to survive."
Her dad turned to look at her and put a hand on her knee. "You're going to be perfectly fine. Aren't you friends with Carly and Miranda? I'm sure you can hang out with them."
"Yeah, I guess I can," she said.
Kam (her dad) turned around to grab something. "Here," he said, still searching, "I got you a special something," he grunted, trying to move his golf clubs, "for school–"
"Dad! Watch out! Your about to run right into that—"
Her dad's car ran right into a telephone post, causing it to come crashing down on on the car.

A/N: I may or may not write the next chapter today, I just might make you wait to find out what happened 😈. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me. YASSS


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