Anko put the kunai back in her holster. Anko pulled out a bag and started handing out scrolls to the teams one each.

" Alright, gaki's those scrolls I just gave you will determine if you pass or not. There are two different types of scrolls Earth and Heaven scrolls. Each of your team gets's  one scroll. you'll be in there for five days,  you have to have both an Earth scroll and a Heaven scroll to pass,"  Anko explained as each team was slowly lead towards gate doors. Naruto sweat dropped when Anko handed them forms telling them to sign it saying that if they died it would not be on Konoha's hands.

" What about food," Choji from team 10 asked as his teammates sweat  dropped at the question. ' Of course, he's thinking about food,' Ino thought, shaking her head as Shikamaru muttered a soft " Troublesome,".

" You're ninja hunt for your food it is still a forest with animals though you might want to kill them before they kill you," Anko said irritated at being kept from her precious Dango.

" Alright 3... 2... 1... begin," Anko said as the genin teams shot off through their own separate gates.

Team 7 ran together at high chunin level speed aimlessly. After they got a couple of miles into the forest they took a break as Naruto used his sensory ability make sure the coast was clear before nodding.

" So what are we going to do we have and Earth scroll meaning that we need to find a Heaven scroll if we want to pass," Naruto asked as they sat huddled together with their scroll in the middle of them.

" I say we get closer to the tower and set up traps to take a team with booth scrolls so we don't have to worry about wasting energy beating a team who has the same scroll as us," Sasuke said taking the longest to them than he has in a while.

" Alright that's a smart idea Sasuke and since you came up with it, you get to take care of the scroll," Naruto said patting Sasuke's back as Sasuke just nodded and took the scroll. Team 7 ran for a while before Naruto held up his hand signaling the team to stop.

" Sorry I've got to take a leak," Naruto said walking behind a tree. Naruto pulled up his zipper and walked out and was met by a fist to the face courtesy of a purple hand.


Orochimaru raced through the forest after disposing of his teammates looking for team 7 or more precisely Sasuke Uchiha. Orochimaru quickly used his summoning Jutsu to summon Manda in human form who looked less than pleased.

" What the hell do you want Orochimaru, what did I tell you about summoning me for your fights," The purple man hissed angrily as he glared at Orochimaru.

" I apologize Manda-sama but I require your ass-sssistance keeping the blonde haired brat occupied as I s-sseal S-ssasuke so that he can not ruin my plans-ss," Orochimaru said. Inside Orochimaru was unhappy. ' I will make this snake respect me,' Orochimaru though, though he hid it well.

"  If he is not strong enough to pose a challenge I will devour you whole," Manda threatened before running around to clearing towards the tree that the blond was by. Manda saw the boy turn his head towards him just as he punched the teen in the face sending him flying.


Naruto stood up slowly shaking the cobwebs from his head as he stood up shakily and summoned 2 dozen chains. Naruto looked around as the sound of battle erupted from where he once stood before he was sent flying.

' Sasuke and Hinata are being attacked,' Naruto thought as he released his gravity seal and dropped his weights on the floor causing a small crater.

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