Powers and Gods

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Before the official first chapter, I thought it would be a good idea to put in all the Gods and the multitude of powers in this chapter. Expect the Prologue chapter soon.

There are two types of gods, the Gods of Chaos and the Gods of Eternity, which will be a recurring theme within the book. Chaos revolves around all evil things where Eternity revolves around all good things, hence their titles. There are 6 Gods for each, and the Watchers (which are not technically gods so I will be leaving them out).  Do note as well that I will be mentioning two Cults and a Order that are in the book, I will describe them in a later chapter. The Gods are:

Vahun (va-HOON): God of Turmoil, second strongest Chaos God in the Land. Always trying to create confusion among the many Races of the Land.
Khoroudh (ko-ROO-v): Goddess of Pain, not really strong but not really weak. Tries to get the main character of the book to bring pain to the land instead of freedom.
Buikae (b-OOWIE-ka): God of Death, strongest of the Chaos Gods. Rarely ever hailed outside of fighters, gladiators and those that are going to war.
Fuunmar (f-OON-mah): God of Despair, same with the Khoroudh not really strong but not really weak. Only hailed by the Cult of the Moon, who know the most about Fuunmar.
Duvunraka (dov-oon-RAH-kah): God of Agony, weakest of all the Chaos Gods. Duvunraka is mainly hailed by those who have experienced the Pain of the Past.
Trihami (tre-HAH-me): Goddess of Curses, the only god that is hailed by the Burried. 

Wixynu (wex-EE-no): Goddess of Life, second strongest of the Eternity Gods. Always trying to bring peace to the Land.
Ziinuk (zee-NOCK): Goddess of Nature, strongest of the Eternity Gods. Hailed by most people of the Land before the Past become Reality, and hailing the Goddess was banned.
Bukar (BOOK-are): Goddess of Love, unknown to all People of the Land how strong Bukar is as she has rarely shown herself.
Muru (MOO-roo): God of Vigilance, hailed by those in the Order of the Blue. Always keeping watch on what is happening in the Land.
Dha'kuun (da-COON): God of Peace, weakest of the Eternity Gods. Mainly hailed by the Cult of the Sun.
Xahx (sh-AH-ks): God of Rebirth, unknown strength among the Eternity Gods as it varies with each Age.


As there are many powers, I'll be summing them down to the basic form of them. The powers of the Land are:

Elementalism/Element Manipulation: As the name describes, it's just manipulating elements.
Familiarism: Summoning a Familiar, of which there are thousands of (all dependant of the person)
Astral Energy: This is one power that is hard for everyone in the Land to describe as each person can only use Astral Energy ONCE in their lifetime, but some can use it however they want. There are two types of Astral energy, the good and pure type known commonly as Stardust, and the bad and evil one known commonly as Abyss. There are certain terms that need to be fulfilled to use Astral Energy and it'll take to long to write up, so I'll put it in a later chapter.
Spacial Awareness: As the name implies, it's being aware of the space around you (think of Observation Haki from One Piece and you get a basic form of it). One person however can turn their Spacial Awareness into a weapon by saying certain words while using a weapon that is sought after by thousands of People.
Eye-Sight (I really need to think of a better name for this...): The ability to change ones eyes to whatever they choose, as an example you can change your eyes to that of a cats to see in complete darkness then to that of a dragons to see over great distances.

There are a few more powers but I cannot describe them very well so I'll be leaving them out of this chapter. See you all in the Prologue.

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