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If your oc is a camper this is my oc

Name: Sarah cipher

Camper or counselor?: Counselor
Crush?: David
Look: blonde blue eyes pale freckles her hair always covers one eye
Outfit: a yellow sweater with a black vest, a smoll top hat, boots, and a smile
Fears: messing up on her piano the she can somehow bring everywhere with her
Other: she hates alot of people and works for the camp cult she is bill cipher from gravity falls daughter

If your oc is a councilor 

Name:Samantha denerd 

Camper or counselor?: camper 

Crush?: Preston 

Look: blonde very short like boy short hair that fades to black green eyes pale skin and a From

Outfit: a white shirt with a black hoodie tight black jeans a tounge piercing, about 10 different ear piercing on each ear a nose piercing and a lip piercing 

Fears: themselves , there parents, a lot of things 

Other: (this is were they go marry sue) they are David's younger sibling


Camper or counselor?:

CAMP CAMPBEL rpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora