Chapter 2 - Trust

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On the Isle...

"Finally" I said gripping onto the dock as my legs transformed back into their human form. I lifted myself up and then rested on there for a bit since I was a bit exhausted.

I turned around and then saw Fish & Chips, my home. I kept trying to catch my breath, "I hope they aren't mad" I muttered to myself.

After a few minutes, I stood up and started to walk to Fish & Chips. When I reached the entrance, I took the ring Ben had given me and I put it in one of my pockets.

I opened the door and saw how empty it was, except I saw Gil and Harry, helping out by cleaning the tables and picking up dishes.

They both looked up at me and then at each other. "How was it"? They both asked in unison. Harry then smacked Gil on the head, raising his eyebrows because he wanted to ask me first.

I sighed, "Didn't you guys see the news? They're engaged. How do you think it was"? I said, annoyed.

I then headed toward the bar counter and sat down on one of the wooden chairs. 

Gil threw one of the washing towels onto the counter, "My dad said that I have return back to house. I-I'll see you tomorrow" Gil said, sadness in his eyes.

I stood up from my chair, "Gil, wait" I said, but not loud enough for him to hear me. I could tell he was mad because of how loud the saloon doors hit against each other. 

I sighed and sat back down, now it was just Harry and I. He didn't want to talk to me either.

Harry went behind the bar counter and put down a huge pile of plates. I secretly watched his every move but he still didn't talk.

I groaned, "I'm sorry, okay"? I yelled, the only words I could find to say.

Harry took off his jacket and threw it onto one of the couches near the window. He ignored my apology and continued to pick up the dirty dishes.

"It wasn't my fault, the spell"- He lightly chuckled at what I was going to say. "I know, but that's not what I'm mad about"! Harry said slamming his hand onto the counter.

I flinched a bit, he's never yelled at me, maybe when we were younger and more immature, but he's never yelled at me before. 

"I'm mad that your plan wasn't to break down the barrier. Your plan was to be part of the action" He said loudly.

I scoffed, "Yes, I wanted to be part of the action of freeing the Isle. I'm sorry that you think otherwise" I said.

He slammed his hook onto the table, "That's bullcrap and you know it. You didn't have to dress up in a blue dress or put your hair all up in a bun. I know you, you're never you when you want to fit in" He said.

My heart started to ache a bit, I hated this feeling. The feeling of knowing the truth but obviously my mouth didn't feel it.

My eyes started to tear up, I've never cried in front of anyone. The only time I cried in front of Harry was when he pushed me down at a beach when we were little. "You're suppose to be my First Mate. The one who supports me, the one who...who" I couldn't finish my sentence, I started to stutter.

He yelled even more, "Yes, that's all true! But, you're suppose to be our Captain! You're suppose to do everything for the crew not for you. I've supported you when your Mom didn't, I've supported you when the Isle hasn't. Why give up now"? He said.

Tears were rolling down my eyes even though I would wipe them over and over again. I wanted to talk, but I didn't like how I would stutter or how my throat felt, like it was burning.

Harry rested his shoulders, "I'm at your First Mate, Uma, meaning that you can tell me anything that you can't tell the rest of the crew. I can tell you're lying from a mile away" He said, his voice a lot more soothing.

He was right, I could tell him anything. I wanted to tell him the promise Ben had proposed to me, well the unknown promise, but for some reason I couldn't. 

Harry came up behind me and then wrapped his muscular arms around my neck. Hugging wasn't really something that you would see on the Isle. They say only the weak did that, but I'm pretty sure they meant only the weak receive those. 

I raised my shaking hand and then took out the ring Ben had given me and gave it to Harry. "Take it or Leave it" I said, releasing myself from Harry's "choke hold". 

"Mal" He whispered as he admired the ring. "What is it"? He asked as if he's never seen it before.

I sighed, "It's a long, but short story" I said. I started to tell Harry what happened and inside I could tell that he was smiling. He wasn't smiling because I made a plan with King Ben but because I finally opened up to him.

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