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Longer chapter today:D I hope you guys enjoy!

"Hal... I can't do this. I really can't do this." Wheezed the terrified Josh. He had stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk, the streetlights above him flickering ominously.

The night around him was cool and extremely dark, the lights not offering much visibility. Nobody in Josh's small town kept their lights on this late in the night. The only building that ever did was the twenty-four hour gas station located at the the only entrance to the cluster of houses and businesses that made up Forestpoint, the town Josh lived in.

The entrance was a two laned road that was usually vacant during the winter, but was packed during the spring and summer. Forestpoint was a heavily toured town, the reason being that everyone believed that the forest was haunted. That's where Tyler Joseph, the infamous murderer, lived. And that's where most hikers and tourists would disappear if they went out at night... and Josh was sure him and Hal would join them.

"Josh, we're already here. I promise you'll be alright." Halsey,who had stopped next to Josh, soothed. She had changed into something casual, well for her standards. A violet knee-length skirt with a plain white shirt tucked into it, underneath a studded black leather jacket finished off with a gold necklace and black heels. Her long blue wig was tied into a bun on the top of her head with a pink hair tie.

Josh stood beside Halsey with his mouth agape, trying to force an explanation out of his mouth. The only thing that came out was a soft moan, then a sigh. He couldn't explain the twisting fear he felt. Hal wasn't there when his family was murdered, she'd never understand.

Halsey sighed and tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. She was a pretty impatient person most of the time. "I promise you'll be okay. Just think of it... as a... therapy session. To get over your fear. Wouldn't it be nice to stop being afraid?"

Josh nodded, but he didn't mean it. His fear of the forest had kept him alive and safe. Why would he throw that all away to go in and find a stranger that Halsey had met once? What the heck was he doing?

"Then what's stopping you?" She asked, her inspiration far from helpful. Her black nailed hands clutched the ends of her jacket impatiently.

Josh couldn't think of an excuse that he hadn't already said. It was useless. Hal was being too pushy. She wouldn't stand down. This wasn't like her. She was usually tolerant of Josh's fear, why was she suddenly like this?

"F-fine. L-let's just go." He responded quickly. The huge grin on Hal's face almost convinced Josh that he was doing the right thing... almost.


They had been wandering aimlessly in the forest for about half an hour now. Josh's feet were getting tired, and his eyelids were starting to droop as the adrenaline caused by his fear had worn off a while ago. He wasn't even nervous anymore, just tired.

"Halsey, you said you knew where it was." Josh yawned. She let out an exasperated sigh.

"I do Josh! I do. I just... it was right here! I swear!" Hal puzzled. She was extending her arms out in front of her, the tips of her fingers pointed to a spot next to a huge oak tree that looked eerie in the pitch black night.

"Are you su-" Josh was cut off by Halsey's excited squeal. She took off, somehow running in in the heels she was wearing. He couldn't believe she had actually made it this far in them. They looked like they were squashing her feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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