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When I got home I sent her a text then jumped in the shower. Well I took a shower I thought about my relationship with Yvonne. We had met at my friends party. She had came with her friend and when we were introduce to each other that's when everything started. We spent the rest of the night getting to know each other and she actually end up taking me home that night. Over the next weeks we just texted and talked on the phone. She finally came up with enough courage to ask me out. After that night we were together for 7 months. Those were the best 7 months of my life until I got a text that read, "Yvonne moved to Belize". I cried for a whole week. I couldn't believe she just up and moved. It took her a year to come back and when she did I was pissed, angry, just livid.  

Of course I was waiting for her to call me but she didn't I found out when I ran into her at the grocery store. I remember turning to go into the next aisle and she stood there like she knew I was coming. I froze, speechless but good thing my legs were thinking because I just started to walk away.  To bad they were to slow cause she got up to me, "Arie, I can explain!" "Yvonne, just save it. If you really wanted to explain you would have did it over a year ago." It feel like I was walking away but my legs weren't moving. I guess they wanted her to explain so she did. "This is not where I wanted to do this but I guess I will have to. Before I met you I was talking to a guy. And thinking I liked him we got involved and then thing got bad. He's in the army so he got deploy a month before I met you. I only went to that party to get my mind off of him and that's where I met you. Arie, when I first saw you I honestly started to fall in love with your personality and after about 2 months, I wanted to say I love you but I waited. Those seven months with you were the best seven months of my life. The reason why I just up and left because he was coming home and I didn't want anything to happen to me and mostly you. I'm sorry I never called or anything and I know you swore up and down that you never wanted to talk to me again but I just wanted to tell you, I am truly sorry for all the pain I put you through and I hope one day you can forgive me."

What could I say after that? I was in tears and my heart still loved her. I laid my right hand on her heart and felt the beat of her heart. She then put her hand on mine and we realize that they were the same and we giggled. "I am still very mad at you but I forgive you." "Baby girl you can be mad at me forever but thank you for forgiving me." She pulled me into her arms and we hugged like the last hug I got from her, tight and sweet. Still in the shower I found myself sad because even right now we aren't together, she's more like a good old friend, and I wonder how long that will last.

Yvonne, I Love You!Where stories live. Discover now