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School commenced at the customary time of two-thirty in the afternoon, but our educational sessions lasted only two hours. Homework and quizzes were nonexistent, as our behavior from kindergarten onwards determined our learning trajectory.

Surprisingly, Jake's family fully supported his attendance at a school that relied on outdated technology. They understood the value of his unique learning experience. However, Jake was well aware that not everyone shared this appreciation for older tech.


"Jake, honey, breakfast is ready," his mom called out with a warm smile as he emerged from his room. She was a beacon of joy in his life, always preparing meals for him and showering him with appreciation. Despite any hardships that arose, she maintained a happy and sunny atmosphere, always there for him.

His dad, on the other hand, had a different presence. Although physically present, he seemed occupied with work most of the time. Fatigue would consume him as he returned home, often dozing off on the couch before resuming his tasks, resembling the steady hum of an engine starting up. His limited time with the family was mainly confined to weekends, leaving Jake yearning for more moments together.

Meanwhile, Jake's brother Steve had found his passion as a gamer and high-tech YouTuber, skillfully juggling his interests with his directorial pursuits. On the other hand, his sister Janet was diligently pursuing a PhD in order to become a dedicated pediatrician, driven by her desire to help children in need.

Reflecting on Jake's uniqueness, I realized his fascination with the past. While his peers moved on to different schools, Jake remained loyal to the one he attended years ago. It wasn't due to a grade retention; he simply had a penchant for learning from history. His intelligence and curiosity were traits I genuinely admired.

Years passed, and in the year 2060, Jake and his family volunteered for an experiment that promised extraordinary results. Remarkably, the prototypes implanted in them worked like a charm, ensuring they maintained the same age and physical appearance despite the passage of time. However, this was a tale for another occasion. For now, let's focus on Jake.

After finishing breakfast, Jake prepared to head to school. It was Monday, a day dedicated to science. As he bid farewell to his mom, he stepped outside his door to encounter futuristic tunnels resembling elevators. These tunnels whisked passengers at a speed of 88 miles per hour, designed to feel like a leisurely 20 mph in a school zone. Jake settled into the tunnel, placing his backpack on the nearby seat. With a resounding "Zooooom!" the journey commenced, granting him sweeping views of the city akin to Ralph from "Wreck-It Ralph" traversing the arcade machine circuits.

The populace reveled in their surroundings, some frolicking amidst bubble machines while others leisurely strolled, gazing at the sky. Amidst the excitement, Jake couldn't shake a lingering question that had haunted him since yesterday: Why did people leave Earth? This query echoed incessantly in his mind, akin to the buzzing of a bumblebee swirling around. Unbeknownst to him, other teenagers boarded the tunnel as well, yet Jake remained lost in contemplation of this profound mystery. It all began a few days ago when he delved into research for his history class, stumbling upon tantalizing clues that pointed towards Earth. The discovery sparked a cascade of curiosity within him.

"Jake? Hellooo?" a voice called out, interrupting his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, hey Pete. How was your weekend?" Jake responded, his voice trailing off as he emerged from his reverie.

Erased: Reminisceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن