Metting Sabrina

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Sabrina Pov

I never liked my life it was always stressful. My dad and mom aren't even my real parents my " real " parents  my real parents died by a murder of my dad's  Co worker. I never trusted him he always had this murderous look in his eyes . Anyway I had no family that wanted me most of them died and some of them just are heartless and don't want a 15 year old teenager. Or maybe it was because I am the daughter of my dad Kenneth Lincoln Linkenet the third . A master Criminal my dad was supposed to be in jail a long time ago but he never got caught me and my mom had to keep the secret of him  if we ever left the house without him knowing he would secretly abusive us  especially my mom. He used to hit her upside the head with his wine bottles when he got drunk he also used to choke her in front of me. It was so painful to watch my dad got murdered first. September 21st 1994 I was only four at the time being when my parents got murdered. There were strange men that came to our house one day when my mom and dad weren't home  yet but they were on their way home . The men hit me side the head with a bat and I feel unconscious when I woke up I saw my Mom and Dad into the room and then I saw it with my own two eyes my mom and dad getting murdered the men stabbed my mom 4 times in the head 5 times in the stomach in 20 times in the heart area. I think anything to get worse my stomach was hurting so bad I felt so bad my mom screamed she loved me before she was laying on the floor dead in front of my eyes. As I thought nothing could get worse they did they shot my dad 4 times in the head and 5 times in the chest as they both lay their dead in front of me the men tried to kill me next they killed my parents for the money that my parents had my parents are quite wealthy and they want all of us dead. What people would do for money is outrageous. Luckily I got away from the men in time this woman and a man that took me in when they saw me in the forest laying there on my last breath. And now here I am running again from another man. The same man that took the life away from my parents. Everything was fine up to now.

Flash back to two months ago

"Sabrinaaaaaaaaa" called Maple but me and my friends call her May . " What is its May ?". " Okay so your crush A.K.O Jaden " "Okay let me stop you right there Missy first I do not like him second of all he is my friend so stop and continue" " Suree whatever anyways him and our other friends J Alex Amanda and Sophie asked us if we wanted to stay after school for the club were in what do ya say ?" " sure I have nothing else to do see you later" with that she said her goodbyes and she skipped along down the hallway one how someone like that can be so happy I've been friends with her since I was little we come through basically the same thing but she she still has her dad.

End of flash back ..

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