2 | the unreliability of peter parker

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"I already have my Homecoming dress," Cindy notifies them with an excited grin. She'd seen the sign, no doubt, and had taken the opportunity to bring up the very thing that the entire school has been talking about ever since the school year began. "What about you, Lena? Are you finally going this year?"

She purses her lips in distaste. "'Dunno."

The truth is, she isn't sure about whether or not to go to Homecoming because of the money. Tickets are expensive for some stupid chaperoned dance and snacks in the gym, and she doesn't own any dresses suited for the occasion. Her parents would buy her one if she asked, but...

"You have to!" Cindy gushes, reaching across the table to clasp Lena's hand. Her entire face is so full of hope that it squeezes the brunette's heart; she hates to let her friends down.

Graham busily pokes at his cheese fries. He knows Lena won't outright agree, but keeps his mouth shut to avoid crushing their friend's spirit.

"I'll think about it," is what she responds with, and it seems to be a good enough response.

As Cindy releases her hand with a cheer, Lena feels a prick in her mind, like someone is staring. She sweeps her gaze around and finds it landing on Peter from where he sits alone with Ned two rows away. Her eyebrow quirks for a minute before she realizes he's not looking at her. Rather, his faraway eyes are locked on Liz as she finishes setting up the banner. But his line of sight slides to her after a second, a flush creeping up his face from being caught.

Lena smirks at him and mouths, "Take a pic."

But someone else must have caught his attention, because he shoots them an incredulous expression, and she's forgotten.


"Let's move to the next question," Liz sighs as she shuffles the cards in hand. She rests her elbows against the podium below the stage, reading from the world's largest stack of notecards that she probably created herself. "What is the heaviest naturally occurring element?"

Charles Murphy rings his bell immediately after she finishes. "Hydrogen is the lightest." Lena shoots him a confused look before he mutters, embarrassed, "That's not the question, okay..."

Abe Brown rings his next, slightly exasperatedly. "Uranium."

Outbursts from Charles are not uncommon. Peter isn't the only underclassman with the hots for the Decathlon Team's president, and the freshman boy never ceases to impress her in any way he can.

Lena thinks back to Mrs. Warren's words from that morning: "Being the fastest doesn't always mean the best if you are wrong." It seems that also applies to Charles in this case.

"That is correct!" Liz praises with a proud grin. "Next: what enzyme breaks down immature HIV viruses?"

It's a close call between Cindy and Lena this time as they both ring their bells in sync. Their heads whirl to face to one another for a tense second, then look back at Liz for her judgment. Friendships outside of practices mean nothing once the mock competitions start. Especially between the two girls, who are likely the most competitive on the team. It's like Mario Kart— Lena would blast anyone with a blue turtle shell without hesitation if it meant winning.

"Lena was first," Liz ultimately decides, causing Cindy to sigh in disappointment and take her hand off her bell. The shorter girl slouches in her chair in disappointment.

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