noahschnapp lilithrobby caught her like this while we were skyping<3e

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lilithrobby ew i look so bad why'd you post this noahhh

noahschnapp lilithrobby bc everyone needs to know that you are my bestie now :))

lilithrobby noahschnapp okay then my friend :))))

she smiled, seeing the post as her phone went off again, this time from twitter.

adelekister @noah_schnapp ew, why are you talking to @thelilithrobby ? do you know what kind of person she is? bc if you do i'm surprised you haven't blocked her, jeez.
noah_schnapp that would be because she's sweet and not an overwhelming fangirl?????why else???
adelekister maybe because she happens to be a slut, noah. you're not the first the trust her when you shouldn't.
hugoberlinn she's not wrong..

lilith's jaw dropped and her eyes began to water as she set her phone onto the table for arlo and evan to read while she buried her face in her hands.

evan's hand clapped over his lips as he finished and arlo only looked up slowly.

"text him. text him right now." arlo said quickly.

"i can't. he thinks i'm a slut and thinks i'm trying to 'trap him'." she choked out.

"tell him the truth."

lilith: hey noah

opened 1m ago

lilith: i saw the twitter conversation noah, and i just want to say that i am nothing she's making me out to be, i promise.

noah: yeah, you don't recall the exact examples she sent me? bc she definitely did

lilith: you were texting her?

noah: yes.

lilith: whatever she said, i swear, i've never gone out with someone. please.

noah: she told me you would this lilith, you're disgusting. i'm going to block you know. it was nice to know you while i didn't.

lilith showed arlo and evan the conversation as it went along and they were just as upset as she was. they pulled her out of her seat and outside, hugging her and telling her it's okay.

"it's not, though! i actually liked him, as a person! and that's gone now. gone!" she whimpered, sitting down on the closest bench.

"lils, there will be other boys like him." evan coaxed.

"better than him." arlo added.

"what if there isn't?" lilith asked, terrified.

"there will be, i promise. he isn't worth it if he believes her, lils." arlo said, making her shake her head, just as her phone went off, again.

finnwolfhardofficial hey lils. i heard what happened and i want you to know that i know she's the one lying and with your permission i will do whatever help to convince noah.

lilithrobby what?

finnwolfhardofficial let's just say, i guess it takes a slut to fake one.

lilithrobby oh wow, i'm sorry finn.

finnwolfhardofficial oh, i'm fine. can i please talk to noah?

lilithrobby just, if his decision is to cut me out of his life, let him. i just don't want him to fall for her, y'know.

finnwolfhardofficial lils please, he hadn't stopped talking about you. he's so sad since he found out and he misses you so much.

lilithrobby i refuse to get my hopes up again. thank you, though.


written by: lily

edited by: lily

published: july, 26, 2017


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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