Chapter 2

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"Kate! We're leaving, come on! I need to get some good photos before the sun goes down!"

"Coming Emma!" Grabbing my phone, guitar, and earbuds, I headed downstairs, where my mom and little sister were waiting. Emma had entered a photography contest and decided to take some pictures at the park, and I was coming along. We took the short car ride to the park, and as soon as the car stopped, Emma rushed off, and I followed at a slower pace.

"Don't stay out too late, and call me when you need picked up," my mom called before driving off.

I walked over to a nearby bench close to the park entrance and plugged in my earbuds. Blocking out distractions, I tuned my guitar and began playing one of my favorite songs.

I love it when you just don't care

I love it when you dance like there's nobody there

So when it gets hard don't be afraid

We don't care what them people say

I love it when you don't take no

I love it when you do what you want 'cause you just said so

Let them all go home we out late

We don't care what them people say

We don't have to be ordinary

Make your best mistakes

Cause we don't have the time to be sorry

So baby be the life of the party

I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary

Hearts are gonna break

Cause we don't have the time to be sorry

So baby be the life of the party

As I sung I was aware of a small crowd forming around me, but I ignored the nerves that began to form and continued on. Once the song was finished the crowd applauded and told me I did a good job, but I shyly looked down and mumbled a small thank you.

"You were amazing." I looked up as someone sat down next to me, and I saw a tall brunette haired boy smiling at me. There was something oddly familiar about that smile...

Oh my gosh, I was looking at the smile of Shawn Mendes.

After a few minutes of mentally freaking out, I realized I was staring. I looked away in embarrassment, but he only chuckled lightly.

"It's okay. I'm used to fans staring, I mean, just look at me. I'm awesome." Looking over in surprise, I saw a mischievous look in his eyes and realized he was joking. I smiled slightly but then looked away again, not being able to form words.

"I wasn't lying earlier, you're an amazing singer, and you played the guitar part perfectly."

"Thanks." I was finally able to speak, and I smiled over at him.

"I'm Shawn, but I guess you probably knew that already."

"I'm Kate. And I just want to thank you for...everything you've done as a singer."

"Oh, come on, you shouldn't be thanking me, I should be thanking you. I wouldn't be where I was today without my fans."

"Can I get a picture with you?" I blurted out nervously.

"Of course," he replied happily, and we spent several minutes taking photos on my phone.

"Am I interrupting something here? Oh my gosh it's Shawn Mendes!!" Emma screamed in disbelief. "C-can I get a picture with you?" she asked, clearly as nervous as I felt. He nodded, and they got together for a picture. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I realized I had a text.

Mom - Waiting for you in the parking lot

"Emma, we've got to go, Mom's waiting."

"Ok," she sighed, and posed for one more picture before turning her phone off and walking towards the parking lot. I began to follow her, but was stopped by Shawn.

"Wait! Your name's Kate, right?" I nodded and he smiled. He sure did smile a lot. Not that I'm complaining of course. "Maybe I'll see you around?" I smiled back and nodded.

"I'd like that. I still can't believe I actually got to meet you." He laughed softly and we stared at each other for a moment, before my phone buzzed again.

Mom - Come on, we've got to go

Sighing, I turned my phone off and looked up at him. "I've got to go..."

"Yeah, ok. It was great meeting you. And keep singing, you're great. You should post videos of you singing, I bet people would love it."

"I don't know...I'm not that good..."

"Oh come on! You're amazing! Just think about it, ok?"

"Ok..." I said reluctantly. I couldn't say no to Shawn Mendes. Who could?

We looked at each other one more time before I turned toward the parking lot. As I walked away, I couldn't help but see a look of disappointment on his face as he watched me go.

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