Chapter I: Part II

Start from the beginning

Her pale face seemed to lighten as the realization sunk in. Her family was in danger and her life was at a high risk.

"I...I understand."

"Good, then let us go."

"W-where are we going?" She asked hesitantly.

"Taking you to a safe house." Pelsan said carefully, viewing the alley up and down. "Two people, a man and his wife," he whispered to them carefully. Antoine watched his own back while Pelsan spoke swiftly to her. " These two people will care for you for the time being."


They began walking up the alley further into the area. The streets lined with loitering rats and sewage.

It was not until a few moments later when Pelsan realized the girl had not kept pace with either of them.

She was kneeling down and rubbing her legs. Her dress was hiked up enough where Pelsan could see her skin pulverized with bruises and scratches.

After a moment she stretched herself up and began walking again towards them.

He waited for her beside Antoine and when she finally reached them he pulled his cloak off and wrapped it around her.

"I realize, and you must forgive my rudeness, but what is your name?" He asked her.

She pulled the cloak about her shoulders and held the good over her face.

"Alana. Alana Kerp."

"Alana, I will safely return you to your family some day. You have my word."

She was silent for a few minutes until they reached the end of the alley.

"You have my life and my faith, sir."

The three figures made their way up yet another cobblestone street, keeping out of the viewers' eye. At last, Antoine veered off the street towards the beginning to a three story flight of stairs.

"We must climb now." Pelsan told her.

She was exhausted and worn. "Can you make it?"

She nodded.

"I-I will do my best."

"Good girl. Let us go then."

They were through the first flight and taking an easy break when Pelsan could no longer bear the shame.

"Alana, climb upon my back."

She watched him uneasily.

"I can make it." She said quickly, "I will not many rests after this." She stood unsteadily until Pelsan stopped her.

"Please," he took hold her shoulder with one hand, "please allow me to do this."

She nodded once and let her chin fall.

Pelsan climbed up the first two steps where he was a single step below her. He turned his back to her.

She put her arms around his neck when a hand found her elbow.

She gasped, frozen in place where Antoine's hand cuffed her elbow carefully. He was watching Pelsan.

"You are injured." He stated.

"As is she." Pelsan argued.

"Yes, and I am most fit for this job. The place is three stories high Pelsan, so please, allow me to assist you."

Pelsan frowned, pouted, then sighed and stood aside carefully holding the girl's other arm as Antoine placed himself in front of her. Antoine smiled with vitory.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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