Best Friends For Never

Start from the beginning

Once we got there, I rang the doorbell. Immediately, Olly opened the door and smiled, letting us come in, "Hey guys! What brings you here?" I sighed and sat down.

"Well, you remember Tiffany and Caroline, right?" Olly nodded and it looked like he cringed. "Today, I went over to Tiffany's house to meet them and they told me that you said Louis was dating me for a dare at a party," I said. 

Olly frowned and thought for a minute. "Oh, no, we weren't at a party. We were at a bar and they just happened to be there. Tiffany and Caroline recognized Louis and they wouldn't leave us alone. Like, they kept flirting with us and they would cling to Louis. He stopped drinking and drank water so he could get sober. He really cares about you, you know," he said, "Anyway when Louis left to go to the bathroom, they kept talking crap about you. Saying things how you cheat on him and calling you things along the lines of slut and a gold digger. It made me quite mad, actually, because I know you're not like that. You've been with Louis for at least 4 years. I'm not sure where they got the idea of Louis dating you for a dare, but it's not true." 

I frowned. "I thought they were my friends and you know, we've been best friends since we were little. Thanks for telling me, Olly." He smiled and said, "No problem. Hope you feel happier." 

Once we left, Louis and I went to our house, going into our room. When I laid down on the bed, I started crying. "Oh, Pumpkin, come here," I shuffled closer to him and hugged him. 

"I-I th-thought that they were my f-friends," I said, through sniffles. "Well, if they were heartless enough to lie to you and talk crap behind your back, then they aren't your friends. Babe, please stop crying. They aren't worth the tears and sadness. In fact, they deserve to be yelled at and that's what we're going to do. Come on, let's go have a chat with them."

When we arrived at Tiffany's house, Louis aggressively knocked on the door. Tiffany's mom opened the door and smiled, "You must be Louis, Tif's boyfriend. Tif talks about you all the time! Oh and hi, Y/N! How are you?"

"I am not her boyfriend," Louis said darkly. "What?" her mom said. "That's just silly. Of course you are. You're Louis Tomlinson." "Well, she lied to you. I'm Y/N's boyfriend and she lied to her and told her I was dating her for a dare. I don't appreciate Tiffany messing with Y/N because I love her. We've been together for 4 years. So, whatever Tiffany told you, she lied."

"You're not kidding, are you?" He shook his head"

"Why would Tiffany do this?" Her mom asked.

"B-because Louis is famous and I think she may have been jealous. Jealous of Louis' fame and that I was dating him." I said.

"Mom, who is it?" She glanced at Louis and then at me. I heard her cuss under her breath and then her mom said, "I think you owe them an apology, Tiffany. Trying to break them up? Have I taught you nothing about kindness? I'm really ashamed of you. Apologize and go to your room. We'll talk later."

"Sorry." She spit out.

"You know, I can't believe this. Tiffany, we've been best friends since we were little. It really hurts me that you would tell me a lie and almost break us up. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you. I mean, you broke my trust and said I was a slut behind my back. You know I'm not like that. I've been with Louis for so long and I have always stayed faithful and so has he. Apparently you were trying to make him cheat, which makes me even more mad. I'm sorry, but for now, I can't be your friend. Goodbye."

I hugged her mother, thanking her for being so kind and walked to Louis' car. Louis didn't follow. I saw him yelling in Tiffany's face and her face turned pale. Once he was done, he came towards me and helped me in the car, driving away.

"I'm guessing you cussed her out?" I smiled.
"I sure did. Nobody messes with our relationship and gets away with it. I made sure to make it clear that she better never mess with us again. Her mom didn't even seem to care." He let out a loud laugh and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry, Louis, for believing them. I'm really sorry." I said, as we drove into our driveway. Once we were parked, Louis turned towards me.

"Pumpkin, I'm not mad at you. They've been your friends forever and your trust in them was strong. You had every right to believe them, because you've known them longer. I'm actually happy this happened, so you could see their real intentions and find really friends that will have your back, just like I do." I started crying and got out of the car. Louis got out and I ran into his arms.

"What did I ever do to deserve you, Lou?" I cried into his chest and let him hold me.

"You loved me. That's what you did." He said with much fond. I smiled and kissed him.
"How about we go have a date night on the couch?" Louis said cheekily

I rolled my eyes  and smacked his butt. "Let's go." He ran inside like a child and I shook my head as I followed.

I love Louis and I always will. "I love you, Lou." "I love you too, Pumpkin. So much."

I'm so sorry. I have been so inactive and it's been horrible. I've been busy and have no energy to update. Again, sorry! xx~Abby

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