I took a bite and instantly, I was brainfreezed. I couldn't move at all.

But after a good 2 minutes, i was fine. It was the side effect of eating their nen afterall and they didn't seemed to worry. I happily ate afterwards

"I swear, you're the only one who can eat our nen without dying" Grass sighed.

I giggled "I guess I'm just used to eating nen"

"Are you gonna show your ability to mother and father?" Grass question.

"Nah, too lazy" I ate another spoon full

"I swear.." Grass sighed.

They were my favorite so I told them what my ability was, even if they have never seen it for sure. But they believed in me and promised to keep it a secret with me. I love me some good sisters like this



My hands were chained on the wall as it was also connected to the electrocute machine. Of course this is a part of the training

"Show us what you got" My mother sighed, hoping that I would do something this time, which is to break free. "Too lazy to move" I yawned

"WORTHLESS CHILD" She yelled as she turned on the machine which resulted in the electricity running through my hand. It hurts. But of course I wouldn't show it, Holding it in is easy to me

The woman got furious and turned on the electricity to max level but my face was still showing nothing but expressionless emotion, what changed is my eyes were closed, why? I stayed up all night for anime so I was sleepy

The machine soon showed smoked which indicates that if keeping it longer it would be broken so she turned it off

"The only thing you're good at is enduring" She looked at me with a disgusting face and left me there. She probaly hoped that I wasn't good at enduring so I would die on the spot by electrocution

"The assassin next door.. that's at the same age as you is very different from you.." she muttered as she left

The only thing she's good at is complaining about the zoldyck's family. And apparently this kid who's age is the sane as mine. Yes, our family were rivals and the kid was definitely a genius unlike me so I guess that's a reason to nag

"Well great, She left me here still chained" Probably hoped I would rot.

It didn't matter to me. I easily ripped off the chain from my wrist

"Big sis..!" I turned the source of the voice, it was the twins with their eyebrows furrowed and was concern. But it seems everything was alright after they saw the broken chains

"Thanks for caring" I patted their hairs and they both hugged me. Man were they adorable for being 3 years younger

It was soon that I heard rumbling sounds from above grounds. Me and the twins hurriedly ran towards the cause of rumbling



Everything was happening so fast. Mother and father were fighting with the two Male zoldyck's and we were losing.

They were fast, sparks and clashes were there also and the walls were collapsing. and I felt.. happy..

Grass and Sobet's eyes were widen and mouth was gasping as the woman who gave birth to them was going to die any sooner which is seen through heaving breathing and blood spilling. The Zoldyck's were too but it wasn't that bad

Eiji soon ran and stood behind us, also amazed by the sight.



Everything went blank afterwards as two was laying on the floor and two were still standing

Everyone was still surprised and was surprised when the two man passed by us.

"this was only a mission"

And then they left, leaving messes and debris  everywhere

Unlike them, I was happy. really happy to be free

"YES. I'M FREE FROM HELL" I exclaim as I jump around. The three looked at me in confuse 

"I'M LEAVING AND NONE OF YOU CAN BOSS ME AROUND" As much as I could feel their aura rising and anger was going to pile to me. They couldn't fight me back because i was right

"Don't try to find me." I gave a small smile before skipping towards my room to pact all my belongings

And finally left

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