loveable doll

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"Ow!" "well if you didn't squirm it wouldn't hurt." Chucky glared at Andy. "Besides since when did you become such a baby?" "Shut up", muttered Chucky. Andy wrapped the last bandage on Chucky's arm." There all done." "Finally". "What you need me to kiss it better?". Chucky blushed, "no!" Andy smiled. "God he's so cute.", Andy tried to get that thought out his head but he couldn't. He had to admit...he was little cute.
Chucky hopped off the counter but regretted it when pain shot through his leg. He fell over on his side in pain. Andy picked him up. "You ok?" Concerned about him. "Yeah I'm fine." "Why does he care so much?" Chucky thought. Andy usually didn't care about him even if he was in pain. "Is he ok?" Asked Maddie. "Yes he is." Maddie already knew about Chucky she had one encounter with him when she was toddler. "Can you put me down now?" "Oh sorry." Andy put him on the couch. "Is he gonna stay here?" Asked Maddie. "Well he can't really walk around that much so..."  Chucky sighed "I guess I have no choice." Andy sent Maddie back to bed. Andy sat next to Chucky and turned on the t.v. They sat in silence for a few minutes. "So how did you get a pack of dogs to chase you?" Asked Andy curious about how it happened. "Long story...lets just say dogs + doll = trouble." Andy giggled.
"Don't laugh at me!" "I'm sorry...."
"I just wanna hold him some more...he looks like he is in so much pain." Andy thought. Andy grabbed Chucky and placed him on his lap. Chucky blushed. " Andy....what are doing?" reply. "Andy?" Andy pulled Chucky in and kissed him. Chucky pushed away. "What the hell Andy!?" Andy blushed. "I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me...I'm so sorry." There was an awkward silence the rest of the night.

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