Child Of The Unknown

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Thought I'd write my own story, not a fan-fiction or anything like that, just a random story. Please Enjoy!


The feather, black as night, drifted through the twilight. Carried by a warm breeze, the feather drifted to a girl’s silhouette at a lit window. It caressed her cheek, before being borne away by the wind. The girl turned away from the window, the light turning off moments later.


Ten Years Later

I opened my eyes blearily, to the sound of Dad bellowing up the stairs.


“ALRIGHT!” I hollered down to him as I leaped out of bed, proceeding to get dressed. I threw on a short-sleeved shirt and harness, pulling on a pair of jeans and purple converses, before finishing it off with a simple black hoodie. I yanked open the door and sprinted down the stairs, nearly tripping over the cat, and skidding into the kitchen.

Dad was already in there, seated at the table, holding out a slice of toast, which I grabbed while running past. "Thanks Dad!"

"Try not to get into any fights today, okay?"

"I'll try Dad!"

I slammed the door, before sprinting down to my school, BarnstonPark.

An Hour Later

I gasped in pain as Kathy's fist powered into my stomach, winding me and sending a flash of pain through my body, while her cronies, Abby and Jane held me still. Kathy punched me again, before punching me in the face as well. I felt my blood trickle from a split lip and a broken nose, dripping onto the floor.

 Kathy's cronies let go of me, and I fell to the ground, dazed and confused. Kathy spat in my face. "That'll teach you, freak." She walked away, Abby and Jane following, while I shut my eyes and waited for the pain to stop and the injuries to cease bleeding.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, what do you think? please leave feedback or suggestions! It would realy be appeciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2012 ⏰

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