1:the begining

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Thalia and Marc have known each other all their lives. And Marc always liked Thalia more than her twin Julisa. They were all good friends from birth and diapers but Marc could tell Thalia anything.

Julisa: hey twin

Thalia: what ugly

Julisa: were twins don't forget se look just like each other dummy and are you going to this path tonight for Tyler ?

Thalia: ewe no you freak. Why do you obsess over him anyway it's not like he's EJ or something.

Julisa: first EJ has mouthing to do with this he is a mindless behavior member and he's 16 , no. And I think I might actually talk to him tonight we haven't talked since the whole spring break blow out thing and I don't want it to be awkward so you have to go.

Thalia: well I'll go if it means that Marc can come and that means we get free admissions cause you know he knows everybody whose somebody.

Julisa: whatever as Long as y'all too stay out my way of getting to ruler I don't care.

Thalia: did you tell mom. Already?

Julisa: no you know she never listens to me.

Thalia: she does but your never listening to when she answered cause you always think she'll say no.

Julisa : liar I always listen. Name one time I didn't listen.

Thalia: two weekends ago she said you could go to that august alsina concert and you already had your tickets ready but you didn't go cause you thought she said no

Julisa: liar

Thalia: * yells to her mother*. Mama didn't you tell Jules she could go tho that august alsina concert

Mama: yeah

Thalia: told you ho

Julisa: whatever but I. Ot as much of a ho as you I heard somethin bout you and Justin.

Thalia: Justin who? Combs, or the one always see everywhere

Julisa : combs, I heard hall two did the dirty at the after prom in the bathroom

Thalia: first that's a lie and we only went to prom together besides he had a girlfriend and I was only his charity case.

Julisa: is that why you still text him and call him babe

Thalia: you went through my phone you ho. And no he called me that first and it just became a thing

Julisa: I'm sorry but when your my sister and these rumors start you gotta know the truth. And btw I already set the record straight for you your welcome

Thalia: whatever and how did you know my password?

Julisa: I'm your twin metal telepathy bitch. And why is your password Marc's name?

Thalia: cause we bet on the sixers heat game and I bet sixers cause you know Michael carter Williams is the shit right and he won and the deal was that if he won my password would be his name for a month and if he won my name would be his for a month

Julisa: got it. But what if some one like idk say michael carter Williams wants to get in you phone and ends your password .......

Thalia: shut up that would never happen and ima change it tomorrow anyways but ima get ready for tonight and I'll see you in about an hour sissy.

Julisa leaves and just when Thalia goes to cLl Marc he calls her

Marc: I know you was about to call me so I just called you instead

Thalia: whatever loser and are you going to Tyler's party or whatever cause Jules wants me to go and I need you to go cause you know everybody and there moms.

Marc: I guess for you loser and what time am I coming to get y'all cause I know y'all not drivin at night

Thalia: we could if we wanted to and fort your information I do drive at night

Marc : yeah from the front of the driveway to the back.

Thalia: whatever and you better be here by 9:30 loser

Marc: alright I got you short stack

Thalia: I'm not that.......

*Marc hung up**

Thalia: forget him

Thalia's outfit

- white tank
- black leather jacket
- black jeans
- black and whit Jordan's
- gold necklace and ring

Julisa's outfit
- red v-kneck
-Black leather jacket
-Dark black jeans
-Red black and white breed 11's
-Gold ring and necklace

Marc's outfit
- white shirt
-black jeans
-black. Nd white Jordan's

** sorry if this was boring but I didn't know how to start it and what to do with it so here ya go**

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