Live in the Moment before it is Gone, or Risk a Fate where you can't Move On

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"Korra," Her eyes glanced forward at the small air bender dressed in his night clothes, "you're the Avatar."

"I know."

"You can make the bad guys go away."

"Believe me, if I could I would."

He paused to rub one of his tired blue eyes in apparent thought, "I believe in you."

Korra was slightly stunned by the child's choice of words. Was he offering her inspiration, or was he making a request? She wasn't sure; it was difficult to tell when Meelo was in his sleepy stupor. Korra supposed she should consider herself fortunate that he was not his usual energetic-self this late in the evening. She watched him stumble away, presumably back to his parents' bedroom. She moved her gaze to the object clenched tightly in her hand. She knew exactly who this gift was from, and she didn't want to accept it-though to not do so could be detrimental to her all-important public opinion.

It had been three days already since he had given her the engagement necklace; Korra would have to give him her answer soon. She was sure he knew she was not from the Northern Water Tribe. Korra supposed he must have wanted to show his affection with the gesture. She winced involuntarily. Would it be wrong for her to defy her heart if her mind knew what slander the media would create with it? She stared intently at the jeweled carving cradled in her hands. Korra's face contorted into a pained expression. Frustrated, she found her strength-physically and mentally-and threw the necklace into the dark waters of Yue Bay, watching the black ribbon as it billowed in the air. She heard the water catch it in its gentle caressing waves and Korra knew they would appreciate it more than she. She let out a breath of air in a large exhale. She was relieved she had come to a decision-and also sad.

The night was short-lived and with the morning came another uneventful day-with any luck. She strolled the perimeter of the monastery, catching the sight of Mako and Asami sparring in the courtyard. It seemed to Korra that the match primarily consisted of Mako dodging Asami's electric attacks. The cheerful greeting of Korra's earthbending friend came from behind her, "Gooood morning, Korra!"

He presented her with the same thing he gave her every morning-a bagel and a daffodil. Every once in a while he would attempt-in vain-to peck her on the cheek; today was not one of those days. She briefly thanked him for the gift, as she did every morning, and continued in her routine. He joined her, knowing that she had not been feeling herself as of late-in all honesty he was worried, though that would be taboo to mention to her. "So, are you feeling any better this morning?" he asked, hopefully.

"I'm feeling," she struggled to find the right word, "less agitated."

He shrugged, "Well, I guess that's a start."

She took a furious bite into the bagel. Bolin raised a brow, noting that she still seemed rather on edge. He could tell there was something that was bothering her, but he knew that she would have told him if she had wanted him to know what it was. They walked in silence for awhile, just enjoying the view from the island. They had managed to reach the very edge of the island where the sound waters of the bay met the soft sands beneath their feet. Korra was rooted to her spot with unwavering eyes. Bolin could tell that she was focused on something beyond the water, and not on the actual water itself. He wondered idly what she was thinking about. Suddenly the rage overcame her and the Avatar kicked up sand and ignited the gift in her hand before throwing the limp flower into the shallow waters. "Korra! Korra! Calm down! What's the matter? I thought you liked daffodils?"

"I do!" she affirmed angrily.

"Then what's wrong? You better start making some sense or I'm going to," he couldn't think of a suitable threat, "uh, well, just tell me why you've been so weird these last few days!"

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