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Hello, I'm D'ara, I'm a bossy ass hoe, if you don't obey my commands then there'll be problems, I don't really start arguments or fights its only the opponent, so basically I'm perf. I really hate it when people challenge me, its so annoying, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Nicki.


If you don't fucks with Burger King or McDonalds, you ain't no friend of mine, for my birthday there HAS to be food involved in the present or I'll just  chuck it in your face, unless its Nicki of course. I designed 'The Re-Up' cover for Nicki, and, uhm, I hate violence, there is a time for civilized conversations and ghetto ass fights, I always choose civilized conversations but that may change.


I'm a heartbroken barb, who likes to watch tv all the time with Minajesty cuddled up with me, don't judge me, because you would do that if you had your fav's perfume under your roof. I believe violence is the key to solving my problems, especially if you interrupt me when I'm watching tv.


I'm a very funny girl, I will make some very funny comments during arguments, and I'm the annoying kid who laughs when the teacher is annoyed. I love pink lipstick like, I'm addicted to it, I have four coats of bronzer in my bag and seven different shades of pink. I love to start arguments, I'm a thug, I've never cried, even when I was a baby.

"Okay barbz, y'all gotta behave, if y'all fight then the next ones come in," started Nicki, "I suggest you stay out of arguments, don't get involved in shit that don't concern you, because we all now shidddd that ain't yo problem, first of all."

"But, most importantly, HAVE FUN!"

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