Chapter 2

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After a long days work of meetings, paperwork, and repairs on robots and biotech parts, Aaron finally had the luxury to go home without having work pile up for next Monday. At least today was a Friday.

Going back to the main entrance of the building, where the same chauffeur from earlier was there, standing with the rear car door open for Aaron to get in. He plopped down onto the seat where the door closed shortly after.

He decided he wanted to take the long route that goes past his favorite spot to just stand and look out across the ocean. So, he told the car driver to take the long way home. The driver obliged and soon the car was set into motion.

When the hovercraft car was passing Aaron's favorite spot, he asked the driver if he could stop here for a few minutes. The driver obliged again and pulled over to allow the Ginger man out of the car.

Once outside, said man took in a deep breath. It may not have been pure fresh air, but it was fresher then most places. He walked out on to the peir overlooking the ocean, where out of the corner of his eye he saw light reflect off of something on the shore line.

Being bored out of his mind still from work, he decides having a look wouldn't hurt him. Making his way twords the object, he could tell that what ever it was, it was mostly black and silver with bits of neon yellow-green placed in symmetrical patterns.

Upon close inspection, he sees that it's in fact a robot. An aquatic surveillance unit at that. And very damaged. No wonder it was sitting on the shore line. Walking up to its head, he pokes it with his foot. Immediately the High Beam Submersible Optics, or HBSO for short, turned on. Causing a bright light to shine in his face.

Turning his head away to avoid the lights, he let's out a string of colorful choice words complaining about his eyes hurting. The light turns off to be replaced by a dim blue glow, probably where the "eyes" of the robot was.

Seeing that the robot was at least in somewhat of a functioning state, Aaron ran back to get help from the driver to move the broken bot. With the help of the driver, they ran back to the damaged robot and got it back to the car, where Aaron had it brought home with him.

After getting the robot moved onto the table in his work room, he started to asses the damage. He was busy assessing the damage to all of the internal wires and hardware, he got startled by a sound. Well, a voice more like.

"And just what do you think you're doing there? You seem awfully interested in my lower regions." A male robotic voice said, causing Aaron to let out a slight scream and look up startled where he was met face to face with the aquatic robot. Staring wide eyed, Aaron was left speechless.

"Why hello there~ nice to finally see whose been poking around down there." The robot seemed to carry a smirk across his voice, since his face had no human features such as a nose or mouth. Regaining his composure, The Ginger straightened his back and cleared his throat.

"Do you intend to keep making it sound like I was doing something lewd to you? Or is that just how you always phrase your sentences?" Aaron raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Well as long as you keep doing things that I can easily make sound wrong, I'm gonna keep saying it. By the way, where am I? This is most definitely not the ocean."

"You're at my penthouse. I'm currently trying to fix you up so you can go back out to the water and do your job."

"Ouch. So egger to get rid of me. What did I ever do to you?"

"You did nothing except inconvenience me. I still have my own arm to fix thank you very much. I don't need to worry about you as we'll."

"If that's the case, why am I here? You could have just left me where ever it was that I ended up at." This left Aaron speechless, unsure of himself why he even bothered with this heap of junk in the first place. Maybe it was the fact that he never saw an aquatic surveillance unit in real life before. Or maybe it was because of something else. Something Aaron didn't understand just yet.

At any rate, he had a question for the robot. A question that and been bugging him since he found the robot.

"How did you even end up this damaged? By the looks of it, you're the newist DE-01 unit. Top of the line robots specifically made to handle going into the deepist parts of the ocean. I've never seen one in real life, since my company doesn't build you're type of robots. But I know you should of been able to take quite a beating and not get this damaged." He sat on the rolling chair that he had pulled out from his work desk.

"Well, I was exploring the ocean when my HBSO's stopped working, leaving me in the dark. I ran into something, which I could only assume to be an old water mine that exploded when I ran into it. It blew up a good portion of my tail I guess you could call it. So I increased my buoyancy so I would float to the surface. Since my water proof exterior got compromised, water got into my wires which caused a glitch to happen. I went into reboot mode and I don't know what happened after that. The next thing I know is I feel you messing around with my lower area,making me think that you thought I was some sort of sex bot." The robot sounded like he was smirking again, to which Aaron only rolled his eyes.

"I couldn't mistake you for a sex bot even if I tried. You wouldn't even be able to make me want to fuck you, even if you tried. But at any rate. I'm going to bed. Have fun laying there till tomorrow when I finally decide to fix you." Aaron said with quite an annoyed look. He was done dealing with robots for the day, and he was most defiantly done with this one in particular.

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