"It is a long story, one I regret dearly. So just sit tight and listen to the end." Adrain begins.

Adrain explains to Alpha Stone that throughout my life in this pack I have been the subject of torment. When they were younger, it was just teasing. Then as they grew older, it was insults. Zithanial knew about the insults but he left before the worse things happened.

"How much worse?!" Zithanial asks with his Wolf's voice coming through, I can feel that he is ready to shift at any moment. Throughout the whole time Adrain have been talking, Zithanial got more and more furious. Sub-consciously Zithanial has rested his hand on my shoulder and is holding on tight. Now tight enough to hurt, but enough to know that he is holding onto me.

I worry what Zithanial could do if he were to let his Wolf come out now. It is most likely that it would rip apart Saxon and Adrain, and I couldn't let him do that to my Brother or Saxon, no matter how much I hate him. Hoping to ease some of the tension coming from Zithanial, I place my hand on top of his. While this doesn't relax him completely, it at least stops him from turning into a wolf at this moment.

Adrain continues as he answers Zithanial's question and I fear that I may have to do more than put my hand on top of Zithanial's. I just hope I will have to courage to do whatever it might be.

Adrian gets to the part of Saxon's beatings. How Saxon would beat me up and often let others join in.

Adrain was never apart of it, he wasn't even there watching. He always seemed to leave the room when the beatings started. I hardly listened to Adrain as he was explaining what happened, it was too painful to listen to. More than once I could feel tears gathering in my eyes, some slowly dripping down, others didn't get to escape. Many times I also had to choke back sobs that threatened to escape. Hearing what I have had to live through all these year and never knowing why, just made me want to crawl in a hole and die even more. Why would Zithanial want a broken Mate like me?

By the time Adrain finished explaining how I became 'mute,' Alpha Stone looked like he was ready to break the desk, Luna Stone was in tearing and Zithanial was about to murder Saxon and Adrain. During the time that Adrain was talking, Zithanial had moved around so my body was shielded from Saxon and Adrain.

"How the Hell didn't this all happen without my knowledge? What gave you the right to do this to Amelia, Saxon?!" Alpha Stone yells smashing his fist onto the desk. "And you, Adrain Spark, you are Amelia's Brother. How could you do this? I am disgusted by your actions. Both of you." Alpha Stone is red faced, his knuckles are bleeding and there is a crack going down his desk.

"Honey," Luna Stone says as she places a hand on her enraged Mate. "I know what they have done is terrible and may never be forgiven for." She says with a sharp look at an ashamed Adrain and stone faced Saxon. "But you must remain calm about the situation. It is obvious that a meeting must be called and this discussed."

"A meeting call? This discussed?" Zithanial says coming into action again. He walked to the front of his Father desk and stands in front of an angry but calm Alpha. "They have hurt my Mate and they deserve to pay! NOW!" Zithanial snarls, with his Wolf speaking with him. "If you can't do it then I will." Zithanial turns around and storks towards Adrain.

No, I don't want my Brother hurt! I desperately want to say, but nothing comes out. Instead I take the second option and run in front of Zithanial, making a human barrier between my Brother and my Mate. I shake my head, pleading silently, hoping that Zithanial can understand that I want my Brother to not be hurt.

"Zithanial! Sit down boy." Alpha Stone yells.

Zithanial turns towards Alpha Stone with his green eyes gone black. His Wolf taken surface. "He hurt my Mate. He will die for that." Zithanial's Wolf speaks.

It sounds so feral, so wild. The look in Zithanial's eyes were not human, they were of a predator. They scared me. My breath started to become short again, I don't know if I can be protected from Zithanial wrath, even if I am his Mate.

"I will not have that happen under my roof." Alpha Stone states. "I will call a meeting and I, the pack leaders and elders will decide what punishment will be deemed fit for all who are involved. Which at this moment seems everyone between the ages 18 and 23."

"But he hurt my Mate." Zithanial's Wolf says again.

"And you are scaring your Mate." Alpha Stone says as he sees my face.

Zithanial sharply turns his head to me, black eyes resting on brown eyes. His glaze softens and gradually the black starts to fade, leaving an amazing green behind.

Zithanial rushed to my side and takes me in his arms, "I am so, so sorry for scaring you. I never meant to scare you," Zithanial pauses for a second and swallows. "Amelia."

I shiver as my name rollers off Zthanial's tongue. Hearing my Mate say my name makes me forget for a second where we are and what just happened. Squeezing me tight one more time, Zithanial releases me but keeps an arm around my waist. This time he isn't holding me close to his body, which make me feel a little better about the closeness.

"I am good now," Zithanial says to Alpha Stone after clearing is throat. "We will go now so the meeting can be quickly under way. I hope you and others come up with a very suitable punishment."

With a nod, Alpha Stone replies "I will see to it."

"Go now Zithanial, " Luna Stone says softly. "It seems that you have a Mate on your hands, go take care of her." Luna Stone winks at me, look away trying not to seem embarrassed.

"That reminds me, Mum, Dad, I have found my Mate." Zithanial states staring down at me with a giant smile on his face.

"We gathered." Luna Stone says smiling.

"And we will celebrate later, but for now we have an important matter to deal with." Alpha Stone reminds us. Because Alpha Stone said that, it feels like whatever happiness that was in the room, was drained out.

"Right, we'll be in my room." Zithanial says then looks down at me. "That is, if you are OK with that?"

Taking a breath I nod, I hope I am not making a mistake by doing this. I don't want to get hurt.

"Find us when a punishment it decided, take as long as you need." With that Zithanial shut the door to the study and grabbed my hand.

Zithanial lead me down the hallway to the stairs that lead up to the top floor of the house. Zithanial's floor. Step by step my breath started to get faster and faster.

I am about to go into a male's room. I am about to go into my Mate's room. Just us two, all alone.

Good? Bad? BeforeTheDive

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