Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning


Mr. Dover disappeared for the rest of the night, for which I was grateful especially since Remy wasn't the only person I danced with. I expected Simon to ask me to dance, but he seemed to be interested in a red haired young woman.

I had no idea what the time was when I needed to make my way to the outhouses. Simon and Remy were in conversation and I could see no one I knew, so I made the decision that I could handle the matter on my own. The cool night air made me shiver when I stepped into the open and I kept my steps quick as I crossed the distance between the barn and the outhouse.

The only light was the half moon in the sky and the stars that were more brilliant than I'd ever seen in Springfield or at school. Once I finished relieving myself, I took my time as I walked back so that I could enjoy the sight.

Though I'd seen it over a hundred times already since coming to the Montana territory, I doubted I would ever tire the vast sky overhead.

Movement in the darkness caught my attention and I came to a halt. A woman came rushing from the shadows to my left, and a man followed soon after. Though I couldn't make out who they were, I saw the woman glance over her shoulder and then slow enough the man caught up to her with ease.

My cheeks heated up with embarrassment. I'd seen several such scenes play out at school and I could guess what the couple had been doing in the dark. Then, the couple parted ways, with the woman hurrying to the door of the barn. As the lantern light fell on her face, I caught my breath.


A second later, she vanished from sight inside. Shaken and confused, I shook my head to clear my thoughts. How long had Anna been interested in someone who wasn't Remy? She'd been so jealous about him taking me to the dance. Surely, she hadn't accepted the first offer that had come her way just because she was angry.

Should I tell my father? I didn't see how I could keep it to myself. If there was one thing I knew all too well, it was that a girl's reputation needed to be spotless. Would I be bringing down more trouble onto my family if I did speak?

Unnerved and uncertain what I should do, I hurried into the barn. I caught Remy's eye and he hurried over. "Is something wrong?" he asked in concern.

I shook my head. Well, there was something wrong, but it was too difficult to explain. Remy glanced around the room before returning his gaze to me. "Do you want to leave?"

As much as I hated to cut short what had been the most enjoyable evening I'd ever had, I was too unsettled to put on an unconcerned front for much longer. It would take too much energy. I gave a nod and said, my hand making the brief sign, "Please."

With a nod, Remy took my arm and escorted me to where my shawl was. Somehow, he managed to catch my brother's eye and Simon came over. "Leaving already?" my brother asked, his eyebrows raised. "It's...early."

Certain that Remy would explain, I took the moment to cast one last look over the scene. Everyone appeared happy, their eyes bright with laughter and their lips spread in wide grins. How long would it be before such an evening occurred again? Although I regretted taking my leave, I knew it would be for the best.

On my arm, Remy's fingers tightened ever so slightly and I refocused on him. He inclined his head toward where our host and hostess were speaking with the sheriff. I gave a nod and we began walking in that direction.

How easily Remy had learned to communicate with me in subtle ways that didn't make me feel inferior!

In a matter of minutes, Remy had thanked the couple for having us and I'd managed to convey my pleasure at the evening. Then, it was out the door. Simon stood with me just outside the barn while Remy went to get the wagon. That was when my brother took the opportunity to press a folded slip of paper in my hand.

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