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Addison's P.O.V.
Ding! Gerard's phone goes off, very loudly, and it scares the living daylight out of Lindsey, Bandit, and I. "Gee! You have to start turning your volume down! Everyday you almost give B and I a heart attack!" Lindsey exclaims, laughing a little.

"Blah, blah, blah." Gee says, rolling his eyes. "Mikey and Kristin are in town with the baby, and they want to meet us at hibachi. Is that okay?" he asks. "Yeah! Addie, is that okay with you?" asks Lindsey. "Yeah!" I exclaim. "What's a hibachi?" Bandit asks. "We go there a lot. It's that place where the man does tricks with knives and you watch the food get cooked." Gerard explains.

"Oh yeah, I remember that!" Bandit exclaims. "What if Mikey and Kristin hate me?" I ask, suddenly starting to panic. "They could never hate you." Gerard says. "You sure?" I ask. "They'll love you." says Gerard. "When can we leave?" Bandit complains. "I'm ready." Lindsey shrugs. "I'll tell Mikey we're leaving now." Gerard says.

Everyone puts their shoes on, and we leave the house. I get more and more nervous as Gerard drives. "Sissy, what's wrong?" asks Bandit. "I'm just a little nervous, that's all." I say. "Ad, there's nothing to be worried about." says Lindsey. We pull up in front of the hibachi. "There's Mikey's car. They're probably inside already." Gerard says.

Bandit pulls open the glass door, and we enter the restaurant. Bandit tries to touch the waterfall, but Lindsey tells her to stop. Gerard tells the hostess that we're with another party, and she leads us to the table. I'm so nervous that I'm probably visibly shaking. "Why hello, brother!" Gerard says sarcastically.

Mikey laughs a little, and looks at me. "Hi! Welcome to the Way family!" he smiles. The four of us sit down, and Gerard introduces me. "This...thing is Addison." he says. "Gerard Arthur Way!" I exclaim, "You're the thing here!"

Everybody starts laughing. "Okay, seriously. This is Addison. She's twelve, turning thirteen in three weeks. We adopted her today." says Gerard. "I'm guessing you already know who we are." Mikey says, and I nod, "Yep." "It's so nice to meet you!" Kristin exclaims, shaking my hand.

A woman comes up to us, asking what we want to order. We all order the filet steak(A/N: this steak is soooo good irl) fried rice, noodles, vegetables, and soup(of course Rowan just gets her baby food and bottle). Bandit, Kristin, and I order the strawberry Japanese soda, and the others just get Coca-Cola. After quite a few minutes of waiting, the chief begins to cook our food.
"That was really good!" Bandit exclaims, as the waitress takes our plates and soup bowls away. "I think we're gonna head out." Mikey says, "It was nice meeting you, Addison." "You too!" I smile, and the three leave. Gerard pays for everything, and we leave the restaurant. "So, Addie, we enrolled you in a middle school nearby." Lindsey announces.

"It'll be a different school that you're already at. It looks really nice. You're starting in two days. We didn't pick the day, the school did." Gerard adds. "Uh, okay." I shrug. For the rest of the night, we watch movies together. As a family.

This was really short and bad but I tried!

Adopted by Gerard Wayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें