hahhahahhaha im late af

5 1 2

So like you know how the first chapter said the tag was only a few days late, weeellllll, this tag is 4 months late. Whooopssss

Anywho I was tagged by my friend IkusenIshiyama who I tagged back last chapter😝

#1. I'm a mix between white and Mexican, to my cousins I look like a cracker. But at school people say I look full Mexican.

#2.  Kim Taehyung is daddy af, I just live him so mucho (ha im cringe worthy af)

  Kim Taehyung is daddy af, I just live him so mucho (ha im cringe worthy af)

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#3.  Im single af ;-;

#4. At school im in Orchestra and I play the Cello

#5. Ive been really into this Webtoon lately called Lookism and Jaesuk is life. Yall should go read it btw if you haven't already. I can tell you where to find up to chapter 104 translated 😉😉.

#6. If I had a kid I would name him/her Giovanni. Its a really nice name.

#7.  My family tends to say I can go from playboy to princely in like .000001 seconds

#8. All my friends call me dad or daddy (its bc they think of me as their father you dirty people)

#9. My Nickname at school is Tails because people have trouble saying ny real name.

#10. Im a girl so sometimes people dont understand when I talk about #7 & #8 up above ;-;

Thats all for this chapter( it took fooorrrreeevvvveeeerrr). Since you are here reading this that means you more or less know who I am so you know what that means???

Drum roll Please

I said drum roll

Okay okay

For real this time:


Don't forget to comment and vote on it, I cant have ALL the comments being me and Iku. I think thats all for now. Bye guys have a good whatever👋👋👋

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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