1. Illegals Thoughts

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"Why do we have to eat this slop" I thought as I stared at the said burrito on my plate. It is my least favorite meal choice, and of course we have to eat it because it quote "matches out calorie intake for lunch". Gosh. Why can't things be like they used to be. Free to eat anything. No limited anything. Now it's all rules regulations and all of every thing I hate.

Woah, I need to stop thinking like this. if I act up I'll get cited for sure. This society is terrible. I chop a piece of bean from the brown slop in my regulated meal and eat it quickly before my tongue has a chance to taste it. I finger my locket open and I glance down at the small tracking device blinking and the heart rate monitor reading 70. It's quite annoying actually. Every heartbeat every breath tracked and studied by monitors in the "First Nation".

I stare at my now cold burrito. If I don't want my hair chopped off I better eat it before someone catches me. Yes, it's illegal to eat cold food. I read a book once. it was on how "terrible" life was when people lived without a society like ours. Homeless people, inequality, rebels, crime, rich, and my favorite middle class. Now there is nothing but middle class. Back then middle class was average. Now it's always. Boring.

I scarf down the last bit of the gunk we call food and leave for school.

I want to go to old school. Advanced, below average, and average. That's what every one is now. Average. Always average. Nothing above or below. We are all taught the same stuff organized by age. I'm 14. I am in a group of 14 year olds. I'm not aloud to socialize with any one younger or older. That is except family.

I'm nothing more than a livver. In a place Where I'm below "rulers" but above "beggars"

Rulers are people who have been brought to the First Nation and beggars are those who have been left to the hands of livers. the Rulers have let them go. livvers are permitted to help them. We give them old clothes. And we give them anything extra.

Not that there is much. First Nation gives us all that we need. The whole basis of how much to give is based off a family of four. Our family is a family of three. so we have an extra, hair brush, tooth brush,

tooth paste, bottle of shampoo and one of  conditioner. We give the extra items, received once a month to our beggar. His name used to be Harold bit beggars can't have names. Instead he is known as hk2.

That's so stupid. Names are ours, But First Nation clearly says that there can only be 2 people with the same name per community. "Rules are rules". I think as I step into my class of the day.

I wish I had been sick. I shouldn't have come they knew. They knew about my illegal thoughts. 

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