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It isn't like that he doesn't like her...yes she irks him almost everytime they cross paths and most of the time he is pretty vocal in expressing his displeasure but deep down if he is being honest with himself, he isn't sure what these feelings are...why is it so difficult to block her out from his mind these days. Everytime she smiles, he finds himself stealing a glance or two at her, the way her eyes just lit up with mischief whenever she has an idea to execute, or the way she chews her lower lip when she's thoughtful...True he's observant but that's what he is. Being a Rajkumar is no mean task mind you and that too for someone who has dedicated his whole life to serve his brother! From the day they set foot in Mithila, the land of true knowledge and wisdom, Lakshman knew their life was going to change...but what he didn't have any idea about was the magnaminity of the affair!

Wasn't it his elder brother who was getting married to the the beautiful eldest daughter of Rajrishi Janak? Wasn't it just a few hours ago when he along with rest of his two brothers were attending Ram and Sita's diya milan ceremony? Then how did the entire scenario change in matter of few hours? Why on earth would his father propose the marriage of all the four brothers together on the same very day which was what...just 3 days from now?

The moment King Dasharatha put forth his inner desire to see all his four sons getting married on the same day, Lakshman's heart was filled with premonition...who did his father choose for Lakshman? The moment Dasharatha took the name of Urmila, the second daughter of King Janak, he was elated even if the feeling of elation stayed only for a couple of minutes. This wasn't planned! This wasn't what was supposed to happen!! The entire idea was preposterous!!! What about his promise to himself that he would never marry?! He could never put someone else's need over his Ram bhaiya's and no one in their right mind would agree to marry a man who would always consider his brother's orders and wishes as his top questions asked. Hence, marriage was never on the cards for this Dasharathanandan! But life is not what one always expects it to be. Is it? Neither is it fair and just.

How was he even going explain his predicament to anyone? Surely he couldn't with his father!! Discussing such matters with Shatrughan was out of question...even through they are twins..they shared nothing common and they were as different as chalk and cheese. Bharat bhaiya could have been an option but the poor guy seems to be torn between their father's decision and princess Mandavi's obvious rejection. How could anybody refuse Bharat!! He was the kindest soul one could come across, yes he was a little timid and withdrawn but he was a jewel of a man and if Mandavi doesn't realize what kind of a man she was rejecting then it's her loss...thought Lakshman vehemently. Although he has always managed to pull Bharat's leg and has teased him on numerous occasion, he would never want his brother to go through the pain and ignominy of refusal . Yet he didn't have time for all this confusion...he was waging a war within himself! He was a torn man himself and he was surely not the right person to provide counsel on matters of heart!!

He knew he has to talk to Ram bhaiya, he was the only one who could put him out of his quandary. Ram has always known to impart honest advice however difficult it is in situations like this. His Ram Bhaiya would never fail him...he was sure of that but was he even ready to voice his inner turmoils? Yet beggars can't be choosers...right?

Lakshman hurried out of their tent which he was sharing with Ram ...he was a man on mission...he had to find his Ram Bhaiya real quick and tell him all about...? WHAT WAS HE GOING TO SAY!! His heart was screaming out for him to stop but he couldn't. He must tell his bhaiya that he couldn't get married to anyone...he was not going to drag along another life in his path which has been preordained.

Lakshman was glad to find Ram right under the big banyan tree in the ashram with his eyes closed in meditation . He stood there perplexed fidgeting with the rings on his fingers as he knew better than to disturb his brother from his meditation. Ram slowly opened his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corner of his upturned mouth. He had already sensed that something was eating away at his brother. His usual cheerful demeanour was somewhat subdued and by looking at his younger brother he could clearly see the onset of worry that was clouding his handsome face. Something was surely bothering Lakshman!

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