I'm Not Feeling Well

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So before I start I'm gonna start off with saying that I CHANGED a few things. There's now gonna be P.O.V (Point Of Views) & I've decided Jason (aka) Justin & Faith become close friends. I just wanted something different! DON'T GET MAD IT'S MY STORY!! I really hope you all enjoy this. I took alot of time & effort for this. Thanks for reading this!! :)


Jason & I have become really close friends. We've been friends for 3 months now & I think I'm starting to develop a little crush on him. Not a huge crush of course but you know, just a small crush.

I heard my phone vibrate & it was Jason. Greatttttt.

Jason- Heyyy prettyyyy ladyyyy
You- Don't call me pretty lady. It's weird Jason. So what's up?
Jason- Well I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the Skate Park with me & the boys.
You- Uhmm, sure why not!? I'll meet you there?
Jason- Aight, bye pretyyy ladyyyy
You- Stop that.

I giggled & went to go straighten my hair. I applied makeup & I put my white vans , jean shorts & my torquise bandeau with a see-through white shirt.

Justin's POV:

Well I'm kinda starting to like Faith. Her curves, hair , scent , eyes , body ,lips just gahhh everything of hers has an effect on me. She's gorgeous. I know...I know I was rude when we first met but that's the past. I love her & today I'm gonna ask her out.

Faith's POV:

I texted Jason & told him I was skating to the park already. I was excited to see him & the boys. Their all like my brothers now. When I got there I jumped off my Long Board & ran to Jason's arms.

Jason- Woahh, happy to see me eh?
You- Yes, now shut up & hug meee
Jason- Well I wanna tell you something.
You- What is it? Go on tell me.
Jason- I've had the biggest crush on you for that past 2 months now & I wanted to ask you if you wanna be ny girlfriend?
You- Oh-I OF COURSE!!!

He kissed me automatically & I was a happy happy happy girl. This day couldn't of gotten better. After multiple hours of skating we decided to go to the Crab Shack a little snack resturant by the skate park.

My fingers were interwined with Jason's hand. He smiled at me & I scrunched my nose. We walked in & I ordered some chips with sour cream & onion dip. (IT'S BOMB AF)

I was eating perfectly fine but I felt a really bad pain in my stomach.

You- Babe. I'm gonna go home I'm not feeling super good. Bye. Love you.
Jason- I'll walk you home. C'mon. I'll catch up with the guys tomorrow.
You- Thanks. Today was perfect.
Jason- You're perfect, I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend
You- Thanks, your sweet.

We both reached my house & kissed eachother & said goodbye. Mom saw me & greeted me. By now my stomach got worse. I kept throwing up alot.

Mom- Sweetie? Do you want some medicine?
You- YES, please?
Mom- Okay. I'll bring it to you.

I drank the medicine & after that I showered. 'Ughhhh' I groaned. I felt super naseous & cold. I decided to text Jason.


To:Jason ♥️🙈😘

You- Hey babe. 😥

Jason- Why the sad face baby? Who's ass do I have to kick? 😠

You- No ones silly. I'm not feeling good. I've thrown up more than 6 times already. 😷 I'm sick to my stomach. Ughh.

Jason- You'll be fine princess, I promise you. Tomorrow I'll come over & we'll have a super duper lazy day. Movies, Icecream, & sleep. If you want anything else just tell me babe. I'll do ANYTHING for my beautiful queen ♥️

I smiled at his text. To think he was such a sarcastic asshole in the beginning & now? He's the sweetest person ever. I'm lucky to call him MINE. I then replied.

You- :') aweee. This is why I love you baby. A lazy day would be fine. Nothing more. All I want is to be in your arms. Thank you babe, for everything. I know we just started dating but it means the world to me knowing you'll do this for me. I love you. 😘 I'm gonna go to bed. See you tomorrow. I love you. Bye 💕

With that I fell asleep feeling worse than ever.


I hope you all like this story! :) I'll try to update soon. Not to soon though. 😂

Can you guys see emojis? I put them in for this chapter only. ;)

Yeahhhhh well I might be starting a new story soon. I had a bunch of unfinished stories but I deleted them all because they weren't that good.

My next story is gonna be called "My Overprotective Bestfriend"

Thanks for reading! :)


Love you. :)

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