What you want

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Ok so back to the beginning before I had an emotional breakdown, people expect us to like people for certain reasons, mostly pertaining to physical appearance. Like whether they are thin, muscular, "hot", have a nice ass, or if they have abs, if they are tan and have a nice smile. Which yes are all good and fine but I don't think it's fair to judge people based on looks because he could be a 7 1/2 on the outside but a 100 on the inside. I personally have always been drawn to people because of their personality. I couldn't care less if you have washboard abs or not. You can be a freaking model but if you're dull as a board then why bother. I know lots of girls who spend hours watching vines and videos of shirtless guys but personally I prefer the ones that make me die laughing like The Dolan Twins blender challenge when they first started or their hats of dares. It makes me happy and personally I may not and probably never will know the vulnerable side of them as much as I'd like to, but I do know that they will keep making others happy because it makes them happy to see us happy...

Grayson is the most amazing guy on the planet and I am not just talking about looks... He's smart sensitive and creative. He puts his heart into everything he does and is kind to everyone. He's not opposed to pranking Ethan put he would never intentionally put him in danger. He's compassionate and caring and that to me is the kind of guy you should be chasing, not necessarily the hot guy on tv. Celebrities are a nice hope and dream we all have but don't hold out and miss that person who could be sitting on your doorstep, too scared to knock... I regret it, so don't make the same mistake...

Grayson, if you ever read this, which I doubt you will, you've been an amazing inspiration to me and I wish I could meet you. Thank you so much for helping me back out of my shell and showing me that it doesn't matter what people think as long as no one gets hurt and you do you. Love is a strong word to throw around but I mean it every time I say it, not always sure how but I do... I love you Gray, and I hope the path you walk is different just like you and that your life is prosperous and in the future what you did and do remains forever a part of you. Be safe, be loved, most of all just be you, be Grayson Dolan, the one and only. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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