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"T-that's cool" Jack replies. Does he not like me and Jc together. Jack and I have always been close so I can trust him.

"Yea.. He's nice and sweet and..... And I think he's perfect for me" I smile just thinking of him.

"How long has it been?"

"Since we started dating?" Jack nods yes than I continue "well he asked me out the day we went to Taco Bell as a group with was....... 2 and a half weeks ago.... I think"

"Oh... Why didn't you tell me?" I didn't really tell anyone. I only told Andrea and I'm assuming all of o2l knows but I'm not really 100 percent sure.

I shrug. I not lying I'm being honest. Well part of me didn't want to because I just got over him. I mean he lede on for 2 years and he never made a move so I had to move on.

"Well I'm tired so I'm gunna sleep" I lie down and Jack does the same. I close my eyes and just think.

As I'm about to fall asleep I hear Jack get up. I don't open my eyes cause I'm too tired. Jack walks toward the bed and kisses me. ON THE LIPS!! If Jc saw this he'd murder Jack.

"Goodnight, babe" Jack says than goes back to the floor and lies down. Babe? Really babe?

I'm I dreaming or is this real? Does Jack like me or was that friendly? Who am I kidding that was not "friendly".

A/n: please vote and comment. My last story didn't really get much comments but I live hearing what you have to say. It could even be a spelling error or how your day was. I love interacting with you.

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