Chapter 2

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A voice behind me made me jump. I whirled around, and saw a kid that couldn't have been older then twelve. He was wearing a black jacket, grey pants, and had earbuds in. He was walking a black dog on a leash.
"Hey. Names Ben. I could tell you two were Peculiars." He said, rubbing his dog behind the ears.
"I'm assuming you're not peculiar," Emma said.
"Nope. But me and a few of my friends are visiting an old friend of ours. Her names Lydia. She's peculiar," he said, a smile coming across his face. "But no, the closest thing I have to peculiarity is memorizing songs extremely fast," he said, the smile quickly vanishing.
"I would be happy if I were normal," Emma said, looking down at her hands.
"Well, there is one thing.... I know who everyone is." He said, starting to smile again. "Emma Bloom. Age 17. Born November 9th, 1929, however that works. Birthplace, England." Then he looked at me. "Jacob Portman. Age 17. Born October 31st, 1999. Birthplace, Florida."
"Stalker," Emma whispered to me.
"No, no. You've got it wrong. I'm a scholar. I keep track of the peculiar populous. I have many acquaintances, like for instance, Sharon, or Nim." He said, a sad smile crossing his face.
"Well, we've got to get going," Emma said, tugging on my arm a little.
"Well, if anything comes up, I'm staying there for the next week or so," He said, pointing to the Motel down the street. "Room 21."
We thanked him, and walked back to the house. I tried the front door. Locked. I tried the back. Locked. In the end, Emma had to melt off the back door handle. Inside, tables were flipped, lamps shattered, doors splintered. The fridge was on its side; signs of an attempted barricade. We slipped into the kitchen, everyone unconscious. I nudged Enoch, who sat up, looking weary. He then started to cry. "They took them," he said, "they took Miss Peregrine. And your parents." He said, tears spilling from his eyes. Emma and I helped back to his feet. Then he glared at me and said, "Never speak of this. Ever." He said, glaring at me.
"Right...but, I might use this as payback," I said, starting to grin. He flipped me off again, and gave him both fingers. He didn't seem surprised by this, or even offended by it. So, I smacked him in the back of the head, making him trip over his feet, and he landed on top of Horace, who immediately woke up. He punched Enoch in the face, and he jumped into a fighting stance. Emma broke it up, and the shouting woke up everyone else. Once everything was in order, we took care of wounds. Poor Olive had a broken arm, and both of Millard's wrists were broken. Millard was stuck in a make shift arm sling, and we put Olive's arm in a sling. That took about a day. The next morning, we assessed as to where they took Miss Peregrine and my parents. Millard said he'd heard something about a false entrance, and Claire heard something about Bentham.
They were keeping them in Devil's Acre.
That day, we tried to think of plans to save Miss P and my parents. But, all of them ending in disaster when we planned out what would probably happen. And then it came to me.
"Guys, I have a plan. We go across the ocean," I said, the pieces starting to come together.
"How!? We don't have any money!" Enoch shouted, clearly irritated.
"I know a guy," I said.

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