
I swivelled on the spot, hearing that sugar coated American-pie voice calling my name, seeing her leaning her head on her crossed arms on top of my car.

“You almost ready?” she asked, smiling warmly.  My stomach swarmed with butterflies, and I nodded swiftly, beaming back at her.

“Yeah, just a minute, babe!” I grinned, turning back to the girls who were now staring at me, eyebrows raised.  I immediately realised my mistake – this would be all over the internet now.  How Kylee Roberts was staying with me at my family home for Christmas.  How I’d called her babe.  My head swam with panic as I thought of all the rumours, the stories, the hate she would inevitably receive.

“Oooh, Harold, what’s going on there?” they cooed in teasing sing-song tones, wolf whistling and giggling at me.  I let a cool smile break over my face even though I could feel my palms begin to sweat despite the freezing air.

“Nothing, we’re just friends.  I promise.”

They scoffed disbelievingly.  “And that’s why you call her ‘babe’?”

I shrugged.  “I call everyone babe.  It’s nothing.”

“And that date at the ice rink was nothing too, I suppose?”

I bit my lip, feeling a telling blush rise on my cheeks, giving me away.  “That was just an evening out, as friends, to get to know each other.  She had nowhere to go over Christmas – I invited her here.”

They all laughed and teased a little more before I said my final goodbyes, dishing out hugs and waves as I traipsed back to the car, meeting Kylee’s questioning gaze with a shake of my head.

“They’re convinced we’re dating, I told them no, but don’t be surprised if it’s trending on twitter by tomorrow.”

She sighed, smiling slightly at me before her attention turned to the trunk of my car as she opened it and began struggling to hoist her large, floral suitcase out.

“Here, I’ll do that,” I told her, taking her heavy luggage from her.  Our fingers brushed and I felt my skin warm and tingle.  My heart stuttered just a little.  It was crazy how much of an effect she had on me, how she made me feel.  She made me feel…I don’t know.  I couldn’t describe it.  But she gave me the warm fuzzies, and made my heart beat louder and faster, and my stomach swirl.  And she made me feel happy.  When I was around her, it was so different to anything I’d ever had with another girl.  It was unique.  I couldn’t quite describe it.

It must be because we’re such good friends, I told myself.  That must be why you think about her so much, why she makes you feel just a little bit crazy. We traipsed up the front path, my finger connecting with the doorbell and my mind whirring with memories of all the times I’d had here.  I felt my eyes prickle with tears as I realised how far I’d come since then.

“Harry?” Kylee murmured quietly.  I turned to look at her as she hung her head shyly, blushing light pink.

“Yes?” I encouraged her.

She hesitated, shaking her head awkwardly.  “I dunno, I’m just nervous.  What if they don’t like me?”

I beamed, sniggering under my breath.  “Kyle's, they’ll love you as much as I do.  Don’t worry.” 

I swallowed sharply.  Had I just said love?

She smiled nervously, biting her lip.  I felt my pulse flutter a little. 

No, Harry, it didn’t flutter.  It must have just been the cold or something.

The door clicked, swinging open and before I even had a chance to greet my cheery, beaming mother she had pulled me into a tight hug, making my breath catch in my throat.

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