Chapter 2

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<Katherine's POV>

Once we arrive, I wave goodbye the boys and tell them I'd catch up later with them for lunch.

We go our separate ways to look for our dorm rooms.

I roam around campus for a good twenty minutes before asking a girl next to me for directions. She has deep blue eyes and long, straight blond hair. I wish I was as gorgeous as she is.

"Oh, that's just over there," the girl chirps, pointing at a large building to the left.

"Thanks. I'm Kate by the way," I give her a friendly smile.

"I'm Emma. Are you a freshman?" she asks.

"Yeah, that obvious huh?"

"Well you have been going in circles for almost half an hour," she smiles.

I hear a faint buzzing coming from her pocket. Emma takes her phone out and looks at me apologetically.

"I should get going anyway, I still have to find my dorm."

"I'm so sorry, my brother is waiting for me, but it was nice meeting you!" she turns away and starts walking towards a tall boy standing next to a huge oak tree. I only get a glimpse of his back.

From what I could tell it was a pretty hot back.

I get to my room after what felt like forever, and immediately start unpacking. It's not as small as I expected it to be. My roommate hasn't gotten here yet, so I choose the bed by the window and start hanging band posters and pictures on my side of the room.

When I finally finish, I decide to catch up on some reading. I snatch a book called Looking for Alaska off my nightstand and plug in my earbuds.

Before I get a chance to even turn the music on, I hear someone knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yell, not wanting to get up.

A girl with straight long brown hair walks into the room.

"Hi, I'm Carla, and you must be my roommate," she says in an American accent, her curious chocolate colored eyes looking up at me.

" Yeah, I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kate," I introduce myself.

I come to find that Carla is very outgoing and I can easily picture her becoming one of my best friends.

We spend the next couple of hours talking about ourselves and I learn we have a lot in common. We are both freshmen, single, and have an obsession with Netflix. Carla is into theatre and also a great actress. I tell her about Michael, Calum, and Ashton, since they would probably be hang out here often. She is is hilarious and I laugh at her trying her best to imitate my accent. I find myself thinking that she and Ashton would make a good couple.

After running our mouths for two hours, I get a text from Michael, telling me him and the boys were waiting for me at a pizza place close by.

I ask Carla if she wanted to tag along and meet my best friends.

" I love pizza! And I really want to meet the guys," she says enthusiastically.

I text Michael back to ask him If it was ok to bring my roommate along.

*Mikey is it ok if my roommate Carla joins us?*

It only takes five seconds for him to reply.

*Depends. Is she hot?*

I roll my eyes at his response. That pervert was probably daydreaming about ways to get in her pants.

Waking UpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora