Chapter Two: Dirty Talk

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"Hey." A small, knuckly fist slammed into Yondu's shoulder and he jerked before looking up from his dinner. Luway was glaring at him, her hands on her hips. "Why the fuck am I bleeding?"

The entire mess hall went utterly still as the Ravagers all looked nervously at each other. They really were not used to having women on board, even a proto-woman. "You're bleeding?" Yondu asked her, feeling a little bit stupid. "You hurt?"

"I don't know," Luway snapped irritably. "I just woke up and there's blood all over my bed. I don't feel like I'm hurt, but it's gross as fuck, Yondu. What the hell?"

Slowly, small pieces of information congealed in Yondu's head and made the connections necessary to explain. "Oh. Cramps? Yer always a bitch, so that's no gauge of nothin'." When Luway nodded warily, he grinned at her. "Yer becomin' a woman!"

"I've always been a woman," she shot back with a snort.

"No, I mean the grown up kind." Yondu got up from the table and shooed her away from the mess hall while the other Ravagers looked at each other awkwardly and tried to pretend the whole thing hadn't happened. With Luway ahead of him, he half-chased her down the hallway until they had enough space and privacy that he felt safe talking. "Don' suppose nobody told you the whole facts of life thing, huh?"

Luway gave him a flat, unimpressed stare. "When a mommy and a daddy love each other VEWY MUCH..." Yondu glared at her and she grinned at him impishly. "I've picked up the basics."

"Then why're you yelling at me?"

"There's blood all over my bed." She waved a hand in the general direction of her quarters.

Yondu shook his head. "Moon times, girl. Ain't nobody ever talked to you about that part?"

This time, Luway looked genuinely nervous and frustrated. "I don't know," she said quietly and hugged her arms over her belly. "I was only five when slavers found me, took me away. My mother didn't get to tell me much."

Yondu sighed and reached a hand to rest it on her shoulder. "Girl, I'm sorry. I know this ain't easy. Weren't for me, neither. C'mon, I think I got somethin' that'll help." Luway squirmed a little, then let him pull her into a quick hug and followed him down the hallway. "There ain't much communication outta Centauri IV. No culture or science or history or nothing. But there're enough of us in the Kree gladiator pits that I learned what I could about sex stuff." He opened the door to his cabin and let her inside. Before she had a chance to sit down, he paused and added, "What'd you do about the blood?"

"I stuffed my sheets in the recycler," Luway said nervously.

"And..." Yondu glanced downward significantly, then raised his eyebrows. Baffled, Luway just shook her head and Yondu sighed. "Yer nethers, girl. Have you cleaned up?" Her face went brilliantly purple and he tried not to smile. "Sorry. Into the shower. I'll look fer the stuff I've got and we'll talk when yer clean." She stomped off to his bathroom, grumbling the whole while and Yondu shook his head with a grin. While the sonic sprayer hummed and buzzed in the bathroom, he pulled up a file of graphics that he had saved in case of emergencies that might include going to a doctor unfamiliar in Centaurian anatomy. He liked all of his bits where they were and didn't enjoy the thought of losing any of them to a quack.

Distantly, he heard Luway wail from the shower, "Does it ever stop!?"

"Takes a few days," he called back.

"WHAT?!" With a crash and the sound of bare feet hitting decking, Luway stomped back into his cabin, waving her arms and, interestingly enough, utterly naked. "What the fuck do you MEAN it'll take a few days!? I am bleeding, Yondu! Fucking spray some medseal on it! I'll bleed out in a few days!"

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