Chapter One: Her Awakening

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Chapter One: Her Awakening.

I stared at myself in the mirror, I wasn’t vain or anything, it’s just that it was my third and final year here at the academy before I went off into the big bad world to live a lonely life of isolation, so I wanted to look good. The Gifted don’t often live long so we start our lives earlier than humans, we leave school at the ripe old age of seventeen or barely eighteen. I sighed turning my thoughts away from the impending school end date and back to my reflection.

My hair was a dull brown and my eyes the colour of ash, I loved my eyes, they were framed by thick lashes and although they weren’t the usual shade of boring grey, they were quite striking. It was to do with my gift I suppose, I can move objects with my mind but I can, to a lesser extent, also see into peoples souls if I look really hard. It takes a lot out of me so I don’t do it often. 

Back to the mirror, my body was tall but slender. I was more like a stick in shape than curvy like my beautiful friend Emma.  She has glorious red hair that was like cooper curls down to the middle of her back, her green eyes sparkled with hidden depth as she talked. She got all the boys, not that I’m complaining, all the boys here are well, boys. They’re immature and rude, not to mention ignorant of a girls feelings, it was only yesterday that I saw one flip a poor girls skirt up just for a look underneath it. So like I said, they’re not worth my time.

I stopped gazing in the mirror but looked down at my uniform just to double check that it was neat, Mrs Edwards, the head mistress, was really fussy and strict when it came to the sate of uniform, she was, as Emma would say, a right old cow. The uniform consisted of a knee length black skirt, white knee high socks, a white blouse, a black blazer and a black tie. Boring right? There isn’t any colour in the uniform at all! Even the school’s insignia was in black and white, it was a the words “What we do in life echoes in eternity”, written in a spiral but also in an elegant script. 

After another quick glance down at my outfit, I put my dark hair up into a sloppy pony tail, grabbed my brown shoulder bag-which contained all the books and other items I would need, including my favourite pink note book- and walked out of my plain cream walled dorm room and into the dark, wooden panelled hall way.  I walked quite hastily, I was late in meeting up with Emma, she going to be furious if I’m not there soon, it’s a side effect of her power. She controls fire and so she a bit of a temper, where as I am cool calm and collected, or at least I appear to be. I’m just good at hiding my emotions. I’ve had years of practise.

I passed dozens of paintings of past head masters without glancing at them, I had grown used to their creepy stares within my first year. I ran down the marble stair case that led to the main hall where I would meet Emma out side the doors. When I arrived, her cheeks were flushed with anger, great I was later than I thought I was.

“Mel!” she exclaimed when she saw me, great she was really mad. “Why are you late?” she hates being late. “The assembly will be starting soon.” She protested her eyes narrowing on me, I need to calm her down fast before she sets something a light.

“I couldn’t find my tie.” I lied, I couldn’t exactly tell her that I was staring at myself I my mirror, could I? she’d blow a gasket.

“Alright,” she calmed down a little a bit. “But you’ll pay for this later, my aunt will be furious if we don’t get in there now.” Now I know this may seem as if it’s a destructive friend ship, but she’s the only friend I have.  And her ’Aunt’ is the school headmistress, Mrs Edwards, yes the same person that she calls an old cow. Nice, I know.

She turned on her heel and barged through the main doors, I followed behind her like a lost puppy. Her Aunt would be furious because she already gives Emma a lot of free way when she get’s in trouble. Let’s just say that she isn’t a perfect poster child, but she’s really popular, because she’s the niece of headmistress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2012 ⏰

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