Chapter 2

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'My goal was to be happy. And he sure made me.'

But let me tell all about how I got to know who he was.

On may 15th 2015 I had a performance. I was extremely nervous but extremely excited. I had rehearsed weeks for this performance and was ready to perform. During our break between some last rehearsals and the actual performance my friend got sick. She felt terrible but wouldn't go home or cancel on the performance. Her music was blasting through her headphones. It seemed to calm her down a little. She told me she was obsessed with the song. Obviously I had to know what the song was and if it was really as good as she was applying . I stole her headphones and started to blast the song. I immediately fell in love with the song and with the almost angelic voice of the singer. I asked what the song was called and who sang it. Well I'm pretty sure you've made your guess by now... That's right. It was the song 'stitches' by Shawn Mendes.

An one sided love story about Shawn Mendes Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz