Death in Her Eyes

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Legend says that there was once a time when love annihilated the lives of two towering and competing empires. A love so strong, that millions were sacrificed for it.

A man and a woman, both head-strategist of each competing empires, battled out in all possible ways to win for their nation; however, little did they know that they each fell for their greatest opponents.

They became both lovers and enemies, but they couldn’t handle it. They couldn’t handle the burden of having to destroy the person they each secretly love.

So it began, scheming as they both were, they each secretly plotted to betray and destroy their own nation to protect their lover, a perfect plot to make it seem like it ‘accidentally’ happened.

Great minds truly think alike; the perfect day, the perfect plan, and the perfect time; both were synonymous.

Without doubt, both plans worked perfectly; Bombs, exploding one by one; blood, spattering everywhere; innocent people, dying. It was the end of the two greatest empires, the destruction of their race.

Did they connive and plan it together? Nobody knows.

Millions of years passed, and the human population is back in its balance; however, the gods still hadn’t gotten over the past. They mourned about the tragic death of almost half the human race. They couldn’t believe what ‘love’ had done. As a result, the gods decided to cast a curse on the next rebirth of both traitors. They gave a curse that would separate the two lovers forever, a curse that would test their love for each other.

“The show had just started. I’ve just ‘opened’ their eyes.”

Year 1864

“I love you so much” Matt, Liz’s best friend of twelve years, whispered. He kissed her lips, softly yet with passion, their long-term love finally expressed.

As they both opened their eyes and looked intensely at each other, one was left standing, the other fell flat on the floor.

Her heart racing fast, she rushed down with the ambulance, pestering the paramedics with loads of questions they didn’t answer. As they were at the back of the ambulance, the male nurse finally announced, “I’m so sorry for your loss”

“He’s d-dead?” Liz asked, crying so much; her head, filled with confusion and disbelief. Out of breathe, she stared at the nurse and asked about the disease.

Suddenly, the nurse fainted. The poor girl was in utter shock, panicking and crying and catching her breathe all at the same time. Then she asked the other two nurses, one male and one female, what was happening. Only the male fainted.

The female nurse was screaming so load and shrill, and Liz became so scared. “S-s-stay away from me!” the nurse yelled in terror, panicking.

Liz couldn’t comprehend what’s happening. The nurse was crying and yelling, “They’re dead! They’re dead! W-w-what did you do?”

“Nothing!” she petition, still freaking out, her tears falling nonstop.

The female nurse was so scared; she hid herself away from Liz till they got to the hospital.

In the hospital, more males started dying. Then Liz began to realize the cause; it was because of her.

Every male she looks at in the eyes D I E S.

Every person’s life she’d killed was added to her lifespan. She had been twenty-two years old for more than a hundred years, same with Phillip, the other ‘cursed’ one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2012 ⏰

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