Chapter 1

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   The deafening sound of silence filled the room as Castiel laid on the couch with his stepmother, both reading quietly to themselves. The only sound to be heard is the continuous ticking of the clock and the occasional sniff from either his mother or himself as it was allergy season.
Castiels biological mother left them when he was only three but soon after she left, his father meet a beautiful woman named Mella. It was only four months after they met he proposed, and 8 months when they were married. And they've been together for the past 12 years and they are still madly in love. The marriage made a family of two grow into a family of four, because along with Mella came Gabriel. Mella had Gabe with another man Named Michael seven months before she had met Castiels father. And nine months after their wedding, Castiels father and Mella had a baby girl named Hannah.
"Hey Mella?" Castiel whispered, not wanting to disturbed the peaceful silence.
  "What's up darling?"
"Well you know," he paused a moment. "I'm 17 and I still don't have a car. Do you think you can talk to dad and try and convince him to at least take me to look at cars?"
His mother looked up from her book and smiled softly, "I can't talk to him this time love. You know his answer is going to continue being no until you ask him yourself." Castiel sighed and made a mental note to talk to his father when he got home from work.
His father worked as an English professor down at the local college. It pays well enough so Mella can be a stay at home mom, which she very much enjoys.
Castiel looked at the clock on the wall and huffed to himself as he stood up to walk to the fridge to find something to snack on before his mother started dinner. Browsing for a moment, he decided there was nothing good so he would wait for dinner.
Time passed and his father was home and dinner was set out in the table in front of them. "Gabriel! Put down your fork and let's say grace please." His mother snapped. "Come lord Jesus be our guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen." They all said in unison.
Hannah, like always, asked how everyone's day was and everyone gave their answers.
"I only got TWO paper cuts while grading papers today!" She got from her father.
"Castiel and I read all day" their mother sang.
  "I wrote up some legislation for boarder security." The family stopped and stared at Gabriel for a few moments before he laughed and said "Nah I'm just joking! I played Call of Duty all day!" They all giggled and Hannah went on to tell the table how her day was.
After dinner when Castiel was doing the dishes, his father walked in. "Hey dad? Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure buddy what's up?" Castiel looked down at the bubbles cleaning the many dishes hos family creates throughout an average summer day. "Well you know. Im 17 and I still don't have a car so I was wondering if you could take me to go get one sometime soon." He rushed. "Please" Castiel finished in a small voice.
His dad responded with a laugh and said, "All I've been waiting for is for you to ask!" Castiel looked back towards hos father with a hopeful look in his eye. "I tell you what. I don't have any afternoon classes tomorrow, how about we go then?"
  Castiel ran across the room to his father and gave him a big hug, soapy hands and all. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Castiel mused. "Alright alright you're welcome. Now finish the dishes. And don't forget to start the dishwasher before you go to bed!"
  Castiel went back to the sink and happily hummed a Beatles song that has been stuck in his for the past few hours.
  That night Castiel couldn't sleep. He was too excited and slightly nervous to be going to get his first car, but a car means freedom. And that's all Castiel wanted. Freedom.


   Castiel tapped his foot impatiently against the hard wood floor watching out the window, waiting for his dad's black Ford f250 to pull up. He looks at the clock and thinks to himself 'he said he would be here at 1 o'clock. It's 1:05 pm now. What if something bad happened to him?' Right as Castiel was about to call his dad, he pulled up and Castiel was out the door and in his truck in a matter of seconds.
"Woah someone's in a hurry! What's the rush?" His dad joked.
"Just goooo!" Castiel whined.
  The drive to the car shop seemed to drag on for hours when in actuality it was only a 15 minute drive. They pulled up and Castiels dad was fast to get out of the truck to hug the older man walking their way.
"Bobby Singer! Long time no see! How has life been to you?" The man, that Castiel now knows as Bobby, smiles. "Chuck Novak! Life hasn't been too bad. Yourself?"
"Pretty good. I'm actually here to get my son his first car." He gestures towards Castiel. "And I thought there was no better place to do so than Bobby Singers garage." Bobby looked Castiel up and down before saying, "Last time I saw you, you were six months old. Now look at you! You're damn near six feet tall!" Castiel looked down and blushed and his father said, "Why don't you go look around and see if there's anything you like while Bobby and I catch up alright?"
Castiel did as he was told and began his search for the perfect car. As he passed the opening of the garage he heard a loud thud followed by a string of course words coming from inside. He decided to investigate the noises and walked inside.

   "Hello?" He called.
  "Shit." He heard a man's voice come from somewhere further inside. "I'll be right there."
  Castiel turned and looked at the pictures on the wall behind the him. They were all pictures of the man Bobby and two boys he could only assume were his sons. "I was just coming to check and see if you were okay. I heard a crash from outsid-" he trails off as he turns around to see a man with dusty blond hair and the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen.

   "Hi. I'm Dean Winchester. Is there anything I can help you with?" The man says, wiping the grease off of his hands onto a rag hanging off his belt before sticking it out towards Castiel to shake. Castiel shook the man's hand and said, "Hello. I'm Castiel Novak. Nice to meet you." Castiel dropped Deans hand and told him, "I'm actually looking for a car, my first to be exact. And I have no idea where to even begin."
Dean smiled, a beautiful smile, Castiel thought. "Well Castiel, can I call you Cas?" Cas nodded in approval. Dean smiled even bigger and began again. "Well Cas, you've come to the right guy. I know everything you need to know about all of the cars in this shop. Do you have anything in mind?" He questioned.
  "Well. I would like something that has more space than a car, but not an open bed like a truck. Habe anything like that?"
  "Sounds like you're looking for a SUV. I have the perfect thing. Follow me." Castiel smiled and happily followed Dean through the maze of cars. He let his mind wander to the thought of the man on front of him. He always has known he had some sort of attraction towards men, but he has never had someone that attracted him this much. The sight of him sweaty and covered in grease made his heart pound.
  He came back to reality and realised Dean was no longer in front of him. He had a few seconds of panic before he heard Dean say, "Hey Angel Eyes, this way." Castiel blushed fiercely, but didn't acknowledge the name.
He finally caught up to Dean and they stopped in front of a blue SUV. "She's a 2002 ford explorer. I just finished working on her the other day so she's good as new." Dean smiled proudly patting the hood. Castiel look around and inside the car, finally looking at the price and his face dropped.
  "Do you have anything cheaper? $4990 is a little out of my price range." Castiel said sadly.
Deans smile dropped and he thought for a moment. "Bobby is going to kill me." He whispered to himself. "How about this Angel Eyes, I'll drop the price by $1000."
Castiels eyes widened. "Dean. No. Why would you do that? You just met me." Dean looked down at his feet shyly. "It's blue. Like your eyes. And it made you smile. I-I really like your smile." Castiel blushed once again and started to protest when Dean jumped in, "I want to do this. So I'm going to. You have no say." Dean looked back to Castiel.
Castiel sighed and Dean smiled a dorky smile when he realised Cas gave up, knowing he wasn't going to win this argument.

   If you are 100% sure you want to do this-" Castiel started but Dean cut him off. "Cas I am 100% positive I want to do this for you." Castiel smiled and rolled his eyes, "-then we have to go find my father and tell him I found a car."

   Dean smiled, "Come on Angel Eyes, let's go find you father." Castiel smiled and walked long side Dean.
  Castiel made his way to his father and told him about the car and Dean introduced himself when he realised who he was. "Professor Novak? I'm Dean Winchester. I'm in your Tuesday and Thursday morning English class!"
  Chuck thought for a moment, "Oh yeah! Dean Winchester! Good job on the last test! Best grade in the class." Chuck beamed and Dean had a slight blush wash over his god like features.
"Thank you sir. But Ang- Castiels car is ready to go whenever y'all are ready to take her."
  "Alright. And what's the price again?" Chuck questioned. "The original was $4990 but I dropped that price down to $3990 just for Cas." Bobby shot Dean and glare but he ignored it and bumped the shorter man in the shoulder with his own and winked. Cas smiled and looked down.
"Well that defiantly is in our price range! We'll take it!" Castiels face lit up at his father's words, and he was completely oblivious to the adoring stairs coming from Dean Winchester as he watched the joy spread across the younger mans features.
They all walked inside, filled out the stack of necessary files, paid, and walked Cas to his new car. Cas said his goodbyes to his father and said he would meet him at home, and Bobby walked back to the shop. Dean handed Castiel the keys to his new car, along with a piece of paper. "That's my number. Text me sometime Angel Face." Dean winked and before Castiel could say a word Dean turned on his heal and walked back towards the shop leaving Cas dumbfounded.
Castiel, still confused about what just happened, got in his car and started his journey back home with one thing stuck in his mind. The beautiful blond haired, green eyed man. Dean Winchester.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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