chapter: 2 music love

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I brought everything. Music sheets, my computer, my brother's music stands, everything. I put on my jacket and hat and Amy helped me bring some of my stuff. "Why do you need to bring so much stuff" she started to wine.

"Because little minded one, we are going to be practicing music. So we need ALL the things we need."

She rolled her eyes. "You musicians are werid"

"At least we are good at what we do " i smiled and she gasped at me.

When we got to her porch, Amy droped all my music and lefted.

"Hey!! Help me with this"

"Sorry, you musicians are good at what you do, so you don't need me" she walked away and I had to pick up my music, until the door open. I Looked up and adem bend down to help me.


"Sorry for what. You dropped your music." she looked at at the music and was shocked. "Are these all of beethoven's symphonies in 1st cello?"

"Yeah, I thought since you play the cello, if you can teach me." I gave her an awkward smile and started to regret it.

"" she got up and gave me a hand.


"Cause I just met you yesterday, I don't know you well enough to trust you with my dad's instruments" she had a point and I couldn't disagree. But I want to learn though.

"Fine since we just met, allow me to show you that you can trust me." She raised an eyebow and allowed me in her house.

"And how are you going to do-"

I pulled out my trumpet from my backpack and some music for it. "Your and my mom has been talking about us alot. And she told her that you always wanted to play the trumpet." I smiled at her and she kept staring at my silver trumpet.

"So, I play French horn."

"I'm not stupid, they're not the same thing"

She let out a long sigh "Fine! But you teach me first, ok" I smiled in agreement and we shaked hands.


After an hour of teaching her, she still hasn't gotten it.

"Wait I could do this" she stared mixing the notes and Messing up the song.

"This song is the easiest"

"Shutup" she threw my trumpet on the couch and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey! The hell! This isn't cheep you know" I grabbed it and checked if it's ok.

"Dammit! Why is it so hard?!"

"That's what she said-"


I laughed a little and sat next to her. "What instruments do you know how to play?"

"Cello, French horn, clarinet and bass, flute, and bass cello."

My eyes widen. "Then why are you so pissy about one instrument when you can play six"

"Because I want to be like my dad. He could play all the instruments that you can think of."

I smiled at her and she blushed through all her freckles. "What, shit dream, yes I know"

"No it's not. We may have just met, but we have so much In common that you don't even know about."

I fell in love with my gay best friend?!Where stories live. Discover now