The song blasted through me ear phones. The song was alright I guess. I looked down at my phone it said 'Kiss You by One Direction.'
As soon as I saw that name I skipped the song. I don't like One Direction at all, the main reason I don't is because they are millionaires and they are roughly the same age as me and I have nothing. I just get so jealous. It's unfair. I'm talented too.
I sat back in my chair properly and rested my head on my hands while my elbows were on the desk top.
Suddenly the other students all started to pack up and leave. The bell must have gone. As I packed up I took my ear phones out and put them back in my pocket as well as pushing pause on YouTube.
I stood up and pushed everything into my bag and bolted to the cafeteria. I took my usual spot at the back and waited for something to happen.
Nothing really did. James and Logan came and sat with me as per usual and some guy dropped his spaghetti on a nerd. Although personally I believe the nerd should thank the guy who did that to him because it caught the attention of a really pretty girl, who is now sitting at the nerd's table with her friends.
"'Sup Edward?" Logan spat with a mouth full of bread.
"Who got on your bad side this time and made the foolish mistake of fighting back?" James said pointing to my broken face.
I haven't told them I get abused at 'home.'
"Tripped," I muttered looking down at my phone under the table. I don't like to feed the rumours.
"That's what you say every time. I don't know how one person can be so clumsy," James said back mockingly.
"You know," Logan said piping up, "I tripped yesterday and all I got was two scrapped knees not a black eye and a busted lip." He spoke to me suspiciously.
I shrugged it off and they both left the topic alone.
"Hi Logan!" Lucy yelled from half way across the room. Lucy was Logan's ex but she never really got the hint. Logan says they're still friends and that's why she sits with us but I know he doesn't know that she says they're still together behind his back.
As she approached she growled and death glared me. She hates me and I hate her. She's always telling me that tattoos and piercings are bad but she's a huge hypocrite.
She has three piercings in each ear and has a heart tattoo over her right shoulder blade. I know because when Logan had a pool party last year she went in a bikini and it was clearly visible.
"Do you know that when you get old your tattoos will sag and look really bad?" she said loudly to James but made sure I heard. She placed her lunch tray and bag on the table as she sat down.
"Did you know that when you get old your face will sag? Oops sorry you already know 'cause its already happened to you." I snapped back quite happy with how mortified she was with my lame comeback.
She looked horrified and turned to Logan for support who in turn was trying to hide his giggles with his hand.
After a while the bell went and everyone headed towards their next class.
The next two classes sped past like a blur and before I knew it, it was time for my final class, English with Mrs. Duxson. My class and I walked in and took our usual seats. I sat at the back like normal although this time James sat with me because he was in the class. When we were all seated Mrs. Duxson began speaking.
I was bored witless in the first few seconds so I ended up blowing spit balls at Lucy who was at the very front of the class.
"OIII!!" she yelled looking back but I hid the straw and pretended to copy the stuff from the board. She seemed to buy it and turned back around. Stupid girl. She should know that I never copy stuff down.
I blow another one and she screamed again looking around just in time to see the straw as I tried to hide it.
"Miss Doipin, what is the matter?" Mrs. Duxson said turning from the board looking annoyed.
"Edward is the problem."
Mrs. Duxson looked at me seven rows back then back to Lucy confused.
"He is spit balling me miss," she whined at the teacher who advanced on me knowing that that would be something I'd do.
'Humph' she breathed extending her hand for the straw. I tried to act dumb at first but then gave it to her.
"Detention Mr. Styles." She yelled heading back to the front.
"No!" I yelled unable to stop myself. Today was Friday and I need to be home in time so Dan can go out to play poker with his friends at some place without worrying about me doing a crime and him being called to the station causing him to miss the game. He always worries that that would happen if he was unable to lock me in my room before he left.
"Excuse me?" she said stopping dead in her tracks.
"I can't do detention today," I whispered looking down at my book.
"And why is that?" she barked going red in the face.
"Because.........." I trailed off so no one could hear the last part.
"What?" she ordered.
"WHAT!!" she demanded which silenced the whispers from other students.
"BECAUSE HE'LL BEAT ME!!!" I bellowed back grabbing my bag and stalking out the door before I ended up hitting someone.
I headed for the school's front doors so I could just leave and make sure that wouldn't happen.
"Edward," the teacher said kindly stepping out the class room door and walking to me. I was half way out but I stopped anyway and I don't know why.
"Who will beat you?" she asked trying to act kind even though she was still red in the face.
"No one," I mumbled opening the door.
"Please tell me."
"Why not?"
I thought about this, "because I can't trust you. If I tell you, you will call the cops," I whispered.
Her hands shot up and covered her mouth while her eyes widened in fear. She looked horrified. I can't even start to imagine what would be going through her head.
"What?" she breathed.
"I...I..." I struggled to form the words. I've never talked about this before. "I... get..." I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I get physically abused by my foster father. If I don't get home early on Fridays I.... Please don't tell anyone especially the cops," I trailed off after that was said. If she told the cops Dan would be arrested but eventually he will be set free or bailed out. When he leaves he will hunt me down and kill him. That's kind of how he found out what school I go to. I said I went to Mission Creek but he hunted me down and somehow found out I actually go to Downlands Academy the fancy rich school across town. (St. Paul's charity pays for my education so I can go to almost any school I want)

Harry, Edward and MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now