The Center - Aragorn (Part 2)

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Your heart pounded in your chest and you couldn't help but smile at him in return. You'd dreamed of hearing those words from him, but never thought it would actually happen. 

"Y/N, it was never Arwen. It was always you."

"You're the only one I've ever loved, Aragorn. I wouldn't have just followed anyone off to the Rangers of the North, you know."

He captured your lips with his again, but parted much sooner than last time. He laid his hand on your cheek. "I am delighted to hear that. It makes Gandalf's whole 'she who would be queen' proclamation a little less awkward."

"No. No, it doesn't."


You'd been traveling for days, and gradually all the tensions were starting to leave the group. Legolas and Gimli still weren't overly fond of each other, but their animosity had tapered somewhat. Boromir had warmed up to you a bit as you'd shown your skill on several occasions. The fact that Aragorn kept you so close to him probably didn't hurt either. 

Currently you were taking a much needed break and Boromir was training the hobbits at swordplay. They would never be great warriors, but you agreed they should know how to defend themselves. Aragorn sat on a rock watching as he smoked his pipe. "Move your feet," he instructed the hobbits. 

You were stretching your back when a black shape in the sky caught your eye. You stood on top of a boulder trying to get a better view. "Legolas!" you called drawing everyone's attention. "What is it?"

"Crebain from Dunland," he announced and jumped from the rock, taking you with him. 

"Hide!" Aragorn ordered and everyone scattered. The fire was doused and the belongings gathered. Everyone hid beneath bushes and ledges waiting for the birds to pass by.

Once they had, everyone came out, Aragorn's eyes immediately finding you.

"Spies from Saruman. The passage south is being watched," Gandalf declared. "We must take the pass of Caradhras."

Your eyes grew wide and you glanced over at Aragorn before turning your attention back to the wizard. "That is a very bad idea, Gandalf. It will be near impassable right now. For the hobbits especially."

"We have no choice, y/n."


At first the pass was not as bad as expected. Cold but easy to navigate. Then came the winds, the drifts and the storms. As you walked the thin path by the mountain, Pippin rode on your back. Aragorn carried Sam and Frodo and Boromir carried Merry. You walked between the two men and suddenly came to a stop as a dark feeling swamped you. 

"What is it, y/n? What is wrong?" Aragorn asked. 

"Saruman." Your voice barely carried over the wind, but Gandalf heard you anyway.

His eyes darted to you with a frown. "Are you certain?"

Before you could answer, Legolas spoke from the front of the group. "There is a fell voice on the wind."

And then you could hear it. You could all hear it. Saruman tried to bury you in rocks while Gandalf attempted a counter spell. Lightning struck the top of the mountain and suddenly you were buried in an avalanche of snow.

Everyone survived and you managed to unbury yourselves. 

"We must get off the mountain," Boromir said. "We must take the Gap of Rohan."

"That travels too close to Isengard," Aragorn countered.

"Then let's go under to the Mines of Moria," Gimli suggested. 

Tightness bloomed in your chest. "Moria is no safer than Isengard," you muttered, uncertain how you knew but knowing just the same.

Gandalf glanced at you and hesitated. Finally, he said, "We shall let the ringbearer decide."

"We'll go through the mines," Frodo said as you knew he would as soon as the choice was given to him. He had been cold for too long to pass up the chance of getting out of the snow.


You reached the walls of Moria and followed Gandalf to the door, an oppressive weight having taken up residence in your chest. This would not end well. Frodo slipped, his foot splashing in the water and a spike of fear shot through you. You grasped him and pulled him away. "Do not disturb the water," you announced and, while you got a few looks, no one questioned you.

A glowing door appeared in the moonlight. "Speak friend and enter," Gandalf read. He pressed his staff to the door and recited something you couldn't translate. You kept turning back to watch the water behind you as Gandalf kept trying different phrases. 

A hand fell on your shoulder and you jumped. "It is alright, my love," Aragorn said from beside you. "What troubles you, y/n?"

"There is something in the water." Even as you said the words, the water began to move as if something swam beneath the surface. You backed up, pulling two of the hobbits with you. 

"Mellon," you yelled over your shoulder and sighed in relief as the heavy door slid open. Gandalf gaped at you. You shrugged. "Speak 'friend' and enter."

You all filed into the dark, ready to be met with the hospitality of the dwarves.


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