The Winter Is Your April [But My Obligation];Two

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Jin Hyung;

How so?


I don't know. Whenever someone put a period at the end of their sentence it's scary.
Seen at 8:18

Jin Hyung;

But I'm not on my period.


I hate you.
Seen at 8:18

Jin Hyung;

Come to think of it. You haven't called me 'hyung' through this whole conversation.


Well sorry. Hyung.
Seen at 8:20

Jin Hyung;

Whatever I don't have time for this.


But I have no one to talk to :(
Seen at 8:20

Jin Hyung;

Don't worry. You'll be getting apologizes screamed at you're face soon.


Seen at 8:21




"Your all idiots." Seokjin huffed.

"We know..." Hoseok's eyes moved towards his feet.

"No. I'm so disappointed. Especially at you three." He pointed at the three oldest.

"It's not like you're the only one innocent here. What have you done that has changed the situation?" Yoongi scoffed.

"Well, let me see. Oh yes, I didn't abandon my band mate at a public bar. That changed the situation plenty." Yoongi didn't say anything. He only swallowed his lower lip.

"Shut the fuck up. All of you. You're not changing the situation at all. If you really care about Taehyung then think about now." Jungkook scolded.

"That's easy for you to say. You're not the one being screamed at right now." Namjoon remarked.

"No. Jungkook is right. You're not doing anything to change what is happening right now. If anything you're only fighting about the past. Grow the fuck up and deal with it as adults." Jimin didn't hesitate to speak.

"You shut up. We're older than you. Don't talk back to us." Yoongi barked.

"I don't give a fuck if you're older than us. You know that we're right." Jungkook had lost control over his word by then.

"Does it really fucking matter? You're all so caught up in what's right and wrong you're not even acknowledging what the fucking situation is." Hoseok screamed grabbing everyone's attention.

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